Chapter Sixteen: Agnes...?

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How would you guys feel about a time jump within the next few chapters? It wouldn't be years, but it would be about five or six months.


*Louis' POV*

I feel my eyelids open, but all I can see is darkness. I try multiple times in a row, shutting and opening my eyes, but the black sheet in front of me doesn't change. My heart rate increases significantly, the machine beside me beeping faster.

"Louis!" A voice from the opposite side of the room shouts. Footsteps come closer to me before a small hand grips mine. "Louis, can you hear me?"

"I- I can't see." I stutter. "Agnes-"

"You hit your head on the boat and damaged the part of your brain that controls sight." Her voice cracks and she squeezes my hand. "You're classified as blind now, and we need to get you a service dog."

"I've always wanted a dog." I try to be strong so that she doesn't get upset, but my thoughts are racing right now. I'm not going to see anything ever again. She lets out a weak laugh and I tighten my grip on her hand, even though I know nothing will actually happen.

"Wait-" She stops, I can hear the shock in her voice. "Do that again." Following her instructions, I squeeze her hand again. "Louis..."

"Hey!" An Irish voice immediately tells me that Niall has come in. "He's awake?"

"Go get Dr. Marvin." Agnes tells him.

"Ag, he already said that it was per-"

"Go get Dr. Marvin!" Agnes cuts him off and a set of footsteps slowly diminish again. "Can you feel this?" There is a sudden pinch in my arm and I jump. "Try to lift up your arm." Doing as she says, my whole body tenses up whilst I try to lift it. "Oh my God."

"What is it?" Another two sets of footsteps come in. "He's awake."

"He squeezed my hand and- and he felt me pinch him." She blurts out.

"Louis, it's Dr. Marvin." He proclaims and I suddenly feel something in my hand. "Can you squeeze this pen for me?" When I do so, Agnes lets out a small cry. "Okay, you can stop. Can you wiggle your fingers, and then your toes?"

"Why- why aren't his toes moving?" Agnes frets.

"Louis, I'm going to use my pen to tap on you in a couple different places, I want you to tell me when you can feel them." Dr. Marvin instructs me.

"I can feel it." He taps from my shoulders down to my waist, then stops. There are a few moments of silence before I feel Agnes' small hand gripping onto mine again.

"We're going to do some scans to see what's happening, but for right now - congratulations, you have feeling in your upper body." I hear him walk out before I am tackled in a hug by two people, who I assume are Agnes and Niall.

"I love you." Agnes whispers then kisses my cheek.


*Agnes' POV*

"Go home, Ag, I'll be fine." Louis smiles. "Don't worry about me." After five more weeks of intense physical therapy, he can sit up on his own and he can touch his chin with his hands. Let's not even mention how giddy he is about the young golden retriever laying at the end of his bed.

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