Chapter Six: Not Again

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*External link is where I got all of my information

"Is he feeling any better?" Louis asks when I come walking out of Caleb's room. 

"No." I shake my head. "Louis, I think there's something wrong with him."

"What are his symptoms?" Hannah asks.

"Fever, he's feeling weak, he's losing weight without trying, recurring nosebleeds, tiny red spots on his skin, and he's been sweating a lot, especially at night." I list off.

"Do you think it's small pox?" Danielle asks.

"Definitely not." I say immediately.

"It's all possible, Ag." Louis frowns.

"He's not that sick, ok? It's probably just the flu or something, he doesn't have small pox." I hiss.

"El, are you ok?" Harry asks. I glance over at her to see tears building up in her eyes.

"Babe, what's wrong?" Louis murmurs and walks over to his fiance.

"Remember when I was in medical school for a few years?" She croaks.

"Yeah, that was before you decided that wasn't what you wanted to do anymore." Louis nods.

"The only thing I remember are the symptoms for leukemia." She tells us. "That's how it sounds..." My heart sinks into the pit of my stomach and I suddenly feel the urge to throw up.

I run into Caleb's bedroom, scooping him up out of the mound of blankets. "Agnes, what are you doing?" He groans whilst I race towards my set of keys.

"We're taking you to the hospital." I answer before rushing out of the X Factor house and into my car. I nearly toss him into the passenger seat, quickly buckling him up.

"Why?" He frets.

"Agnes, wait up!" Louis calls from the front door, struggling to put his shoes on.

"We can't, Louis!" I shout as I jump into the driver's side. Just as I'm reversing out of the driveway, Louis hops into the back.

"We'll meet you there!" Niall announces, pulling on his hoodie. I speed down the road, pushing further down on the gas pedal with each meter we go.

"Slow down!" Caleb squawks with fear in his voice when I almost hit a truck. I stop the car in the middle of the road, hang my head into my hands, and begin to sob. Louis gets out and pulls me out of the car, into a hug.

"It's going to be ok, I promise." Louis whispers and rests his chin on my head.

"No it's not, Louis, what if Eleanor is right?!" I cry. "We can't lose him, too!"

"Shhh." He hushes me, stroking my hair. "You need to stop crying, Ag. The longer we stand here, the more time we waste before we get him into testing. If we're going to know whether he has it or not, we have to go."

"I just don't want to lose him." I whimper.

"I know, Agnes." Louis sighs. "I don't want to lose him either."


"What if we're too late?" I ask, laying my head on Louis' shoulder as we all wait for the doctor to come get us. This scan seemed to be taking through the bloody ages, but in reality it hadn't been that long.

"If we're too late, then we're going to keep everything in line, alright? We're not going to freak him out and we aren't going to freak out either." Louis explains.

"I just don't want this to happen, not again, what kind of siblings would we be if we let another brother die of cancer?" I choke out.

"We would be the siblings that tried their hardest." Louis kisses my head before laying his on top of mine.

Minutes tick by, maybe even hours, but I continued to cry, and we continued to wait.

Eventually though, a doctor has made an appearance.

"Guardians of Caleb Tomlinson?" He proclaims into the full waiting room. Louis and I bolt out of our seats and over to him. "I'm Dr. Nicholson, I've been running the tests on Caleb. May I talk to you two in private?"

"Yes, of course." Louis tries his hardest to smile, obviously taking the lead in this. We follow the doctor into what I assume is his office before sitting down across from him.

"I'm very sorry to say that as you expected, Caleb has Chronic myelogenous leukemia. Unfortunately, he has reached the end of stage four, he doesn't have very long to live." Dr. Nicholson explains. Tears once again begin heating up my face, about fifteen minutes after I stopped crying.

"How come we didn't know sooner?" Louis asks, trying to keep his cool although tears were building up in his eyes, too.

"This type of leukemia mainly affects adults. A person with CML may have few or no symptoms for months or years before entering a phase in which the leukemia cells grow more quickly." Dr. Nicholson replies. "The likeliness of treatment working are small, because it has spreaded to most of his body. I'm thinking of using radiation therapy to at least slow it down."

"What does that do?" I force out.

"Radiation therapy uses X-rays or other high-energy beams to damage leukemia cells and stop their growth. During radiation therapy, you lie on a table while a large machine moves around you, directing the radiation to precise points on your body." Dr. Nicholson responds.

"Did you tell him?" Louis asks, his voice quiet and cracky.

"No, I was going to let the two of you do that, but if you don't want to then I can, the decision is up to you." He states. "Considering he is only eleven, the treatment options are small and the survival rate for him is even lower."

"We'll tell him.. D- do you know h- how long he- he has?" I hiccup.

"I'm afraid not, it all depends on what strength his body has left." He frowns. "I'm very sorry, Mr. and Mrs. Tomlinson."

"Oh, w-we're not-"

"Shut your yap, Louis, it's fine." I cut him off. Dr. Nicholson chuckles, apologizes once again, tells us the room number, and walks out.

So, this was it...

Sorry it's short, but that's ok, right? Because it's a filler. I suppose so, I mean, I'm only doing this because I don't know what to do with the story. I need ideas, I'm telling you, I'm 100% open to them! I could actually really use the help. :P

Have a good day! Or night! Or whatever time it is for you!

-Melanie XOXO

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