Chapter Twenty-One: sqqUUEAAK

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*Ashton's POV*

I throw the car into park before turning it off and jumping out. Whilst shoving the keys and my phone into my pocket, I start running between the cars to get closer. Traffic was at a complete stop, but that didn't mean that people weren't honking at me and calling me an idiot. It didn't matter though. We had to know.

It takes a few minutes for me to get up to the accident and my eyes widen at the scene in front of me. An eighteen wheeler was on it's side, crushing a familiar looking car between it and the highway divider. Multiple other vehicles were strewn about the lanes and a few were even having fires put out.

I pull the police tape up over my head and rush into the scene, my eyes frantically searching around the ambulances for the blond boy whose wife has been freaking out about his whereabouts for hours now.

"Niall!" I shout, adverting my eyes away from a gory looking injury being packed into one of the ambulances. "Niall!"

An officer suddenly comes rushing over to me. "Sir, we're going to have to ask you to get behind the tape."

"No, I can't!" I exclaim. "I need to find my friend!"

"We will find them, but this is a dangerous area and we need everyone to stay back." He tries to convince me, but I'm not going to back down.

"I'm not leaving until I find him." I shake my head.

"Ashton? Is that you?" An Irish voice calls out from the ambulance right beside us. I grab the door hanging out, whipping around to see the guy we've been worrying about with a large grin on his face. He's sitting up on a stretcher and a paramedic is holding a wad of gauze to his head. Other than that, he seems completely fine. "Hey! What are you doing here?"

"Thank God!" I go around the officer and this time, he doesn't stop me. I clamber into the ambulance just before they close the doors.

"What?" He inquires, completely oblivious to what has been happening.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" I have to keep myself from punching his arm as the vehicle begins heading towards the hospital. "You couldn't at least have called?!"

"Yeah, I don't know where my phone went when the truck came down." He shrugs. "But, mate, it was so fucking cool! It was like something out of a movie! I was just going about my business, driving down the road, then all of a sudden there was this huge sqqUUEAAK and the thing was just tilting towards me! It was like slow motion, dude! I'm telling you!"

Niall continues rambling on about how 'cool' his near-death experience was until I yell, "Agnes is in the hospital!"

He freezes. "...what?"

"Hannah went into labor and when everyone got to the hospital, no one had heard from you in hours. She fell in the waiting room and hit her head and did something to her wrist." I explain.

"They don't know what?" Niall asks.

I bite my lip, thinking about all of the consequences before eventually deciding that he needs to know. "They couldn't do an x-ray because they took some blood and found out that she's pregnant."

His eyes seem to light up, but it quickly disappears when he notices my sad demeanor. "Why don't you seem as happy as I do?"

I let out a soft sigh and reach over to grab his hand. "It's a molar pregnancy." The minute the words come out of my mouth, his face falls and he leans back against the stretcher. His eyes start sparkling with tears, but none of them fall. "I'm really sorry, mate."

Niall is silent the entire rest of the way to the hospital. I tried talking to him, but he was just staring at his feet, completely lost in thought. He would mumble quiet responses if the paramedic asked him questions, but nothing more. I've never seen him like this before.

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