With a pair of headphones over her ears and one hand in the pocket of her jean pants, Diane casually pulled her luggage behind her that night. She had gotten off the taxi awhile ago and was now walking through the night towards the detached bungalow she had bought awhile go. One that took half of her savings but at the same time was totally worth it.All she needed was to get a car for efficient movement but no rush for now. She arrived at the neighborhood, a rather secluded one with only a few houses here and there. That was what she needed afterall, time alone.
She put in the keys and unlocked the door to the house already stocked with furniture. She went upstairs to her bedroom, tossed her luggage on the bed and began unpacking when her cell rang.
At the contact name her expression immediately changed. Gone was the sweet girl, her mother hugged a few minutes ago. Gone was the daughter her father was half-heartedly proud of. This was who she was. Everyone had a dark side. So who would dare judge her?
"Gotten out yet?"
"Yes. I have my own apartment now."
"How were you able to convince your parents."
"My dad wouldn't have let me but my mom is more understanding."
"Good to know."
"How's the experiment coming along?"
"It works a blast, Major. You're a genius."
A smirk curled her lips. "Beautiful. The Commander just arrived the United States this morning. He's currently in Russia as we speak."
"Give the orders, boss."
"We're not terrorists, Igor. We're a cause for justice. There's a difference."
"However, it is my sole responsibility to bring the Fedorcenkos to their knees. A change of government or not, their terror cannot continue. The masses cry out every day but all they are concerned about is advancing the military. God! I fucking hate that family so much." She fisted her hands in bitterness.
"What's next?"
"The Commander will definitely not want a war unlike his Father. He might want a negotiation."
"And when that happens?"
Diane smiled, sinisterly. "That's the best part. I can't wait to see Father weep over son. I can't wait for what happens when Marcov holds the corpse of his son in his arms."
"Do you think the boss will agree to your plan?"
"He will." Her voice quivered in uncertainty. "I just have to make him understand. Expect me there, tomorrow night." She added.
"Alright. Goodnight, Major."
"Goodnight, Igor."
She hung up and kept her phone aside.Sorry, Father. Seems you've got a black sheep for an only child. How unlucky!
"Hey, come on." Urged the voice of a ten year old, boy.
"My Father won't let me." The other boy of the same age, fearfully hesitated.
"But he's not home, Russo."
"I can't, Felix."
"Russo please."
"But you're gonna miss the whole game and remember we need you to win." Felix whined.Little Russo thought about it for awhile. His Father had warned him severally about hanging out with the other kids. Claiming he was special and shouldn't allow himself get exposed to bad influence. Russo never understood what that meant but if being special meant he couldn't hang out with the other kids then, he didn't want to be.
"Alright, let's go but thirty minutes only." Russo said, climbing down his window to join Felix on the other side.
He sneaked out and left with him to the basketball court at the far end of the street. All the kids were there and Russo was always selected to play. Given that he was way tall for his age. The other kids were always so excited to see the General's son come out to play and not to mention, he was good at the sport.
"Damn it! When did it get so late?" Russo exclaimed after a few hours.
"What? It's only 4pm." Felix chuckled, playfully.
"My dad could be home at any minute. I'm so dead if he finds out I snuck out again."
"Wait a few more goals."
"Felix..." Russo frowned. "I gotta go home."
"Okay okay. I'll walk you."
"Thank you." He heaved a sigh of relieved.
"You think you'll be free tomorrow?"
"Why not?"
"My dad's taking me to the grounds tomorrow."
"What do you mean?"
"I'm supposed to learn a thing or two about what the Soldiers do."
"I don't think I'd ever want to be in your shoes."
Russo smiled. "I don't totally hate it."
"Your call." Felix shrugged. "Ever thought of being a basketballer?"
"You're pretty good."
"Nahh." The boy shook his head. "Not for me."
"Why? Because your Dad wouldn't allow it?"
"Because I know it's not the life for me. What about you? Do you wanna be a basketballer?" He asked.
"No. I haven't thought about it yet but I do like cyber art." Felix said.
"What's that?"
"It's supposed to do with computers."
"Whatever we become, I hope we never stop being friends."
It was difficult finding anything in the dim lights of the cocktail lounge that evening and the music wasn't making it any easier. Where was the damn fucker? With both hands in his pockets, Russo kept moving around the room. His eyes darting here and there. Until he finally caught sight of him on the couch at the far end of the room.
"There you are." Felix grinned, getting on his feet. "Good to...." Cutting his words short was a slight punch in the arm. "Ouch! Good to see you too."
"You could have been a little more specific about your location." Russo frowned, taking a seat on the couch.
"You know I like to mess around." He smiled. "Drinks?" He offered.
"I hope you didn't order these thinking that I'd be the one to pay for them."
"No I didn't but now that you mention it, yes. You are paying for them."
"I hope you like washing dishes because that is going to be your new career after I abandon you here tonight."
Felix laughed, heartily. "You wouldn't do that to me."
"Just try."
"I could run off and they wouldn't get to me."
"Now I see why my Father called you a rotten influence."
"Hey! I walked you home every fucking day you scared little cunt!"
"I got thoroughly fucked up by my Father that day."
"What'd he do, scold you and had the servants feed you ice cream afterwards?"
Russo turned to his friend with a disbelieving scoff.
"He used a belt."
"I'm sorry, what?"
"Yes so there certainly wasn't any ice cream served."
"You never told me."
"I didn't want to lose face." He said, finally reaching out for a bottle of vodka and pouring some in a tumbler.
"How was life in the states?" Felix asked.
"Torturous bliss."
"Intensive training. So, I heard. Man, I don't understand the military. You know, you guys could just go to the gym and sort yourselves out. It's the twenty first century, what the hell!"Russo shook his head, smiling. He was glad he came to see Felix. The scumbag was the only person he could be himself around. He was more than a friend, he was a brother and it helped that they were polar opposites of each other.
Felix had life going well for him as a Cyber Operator. He was the military's number one Intelligence Specialist and not to mention he was a genius in his field. With a great sense of humor that always tend to ease Russo out at every meeting.
"What's so funny? Man I'm serious." Felix said.
"Fuck it, you're out of your mind, Felix."
"Listen, here's the thing. I go to the gym while you had to go through the eye of a goddamn needle but hey, your muscles don't look any bigger than mine."
"It's not about...wait. You're wrong, they are bigger.....and stronger."
"Big deal! I could still take you down in a fight."
"Maybe then but not now."
"A challenge?"
"goddamn it, Felix! Let it go."
He only laughed. "It's okay to surrender."
"Yeah, right...surrender." Russo said,

RomanceTrapped with your enemy in an underground bunker? Trapped in an underground bunker with her sworn enemy, she finds herself face-to-face with the man who let her father die-the man who holds ultimate power as Russia's Army General. She'...