That morning at the briefing room, a video could be seen playing on the desk and the tense faces of the four personalities that stood in front of the computer, watching and listening attentively. General Marcov, Commander Russo, and Lieutenant Colonel Warner.A sort of experiment, was being showcased by two members of the Shadows Anarchist. A chemical both in liquid and gas form called "Neuroveil." A neural suppressant that targets the brain's motor cortex and hippocampus, responsible for muscle memory and reflexive actions.
Upon injection or inhalation, it releases nano compounds that disrupt neural pathways related to combat reflexes. Two able bodied Men could be seen standing as test subjects and once the process was done, they were all useless and crawling on their face.
"While the Neuroveil doesn't affect basic motor skills or memories unrelated to fighting, it specifically erases learned instinct to react in combat situations."
"What?!" Russo shared stunned glances with the other two who equally looked disturbed.
"Instantly, the subject loses the ability to recall and perform fighting techniques, leaving them vulnerable in combat scenarios."
"Bastards! How could they have gotten their hands on such advanced technology?" Marco fisted his hands, upset.
The voice on the screen went on. "And ofcourse, General. You must know how much this would mean to the army. Just a single release of this gas on your base and it will all be over." With an interrupting glitch and a high pitched sound, the video came to an abrupt end.
"Shit!" Russo cussed.
"Let's not get worked up." Warner said. "We still can't prove if the gas works."
"It did work perfectly fine on those men." He said.
"Or it could be perfect acting."
"What are you saying, Colonel?" Marcov asked.
"I'm saying, that we shouldn't panic yet. That's exactly what they want us to do."
"I get it. We should take necessary steps to figure out if it's all a sham but carefully. One step out of place and if this turned out to be true, they could release the gas." Russo said.
"How do we do this?"
"We send some of our troops undercover as civilians and they find out exactly where this experiment is being carried out. They blend perfectly with them and hopefully, get a sample at the end of the day."
"Brilliant, son." The General patted Russo on the shoulder. "We should set this plan in motion as soon as possible."
"I'll see to it, Father and you have my word, we'll soon be rid of these pests."
"I trust you, Russo. I do. Let this meeting be kept confidential. No one else must know of this."
"Yes sir." said Warner.
"You can both be on your way, now."With a thin smile, Diane closed her laptop and put it away. She had initially been wrong to that think that the Fedorcenkos would initially opt for a negotiation. Seems the Neuroveil wasn't scary enough, now they were planning on infiltrating the S.A. It was a good think she bugged her Father's uniform.
After work that day, she was able to come back to her laptop and replay every of their conversation from the secret meeting. She was going to need another one for the Commander. If she could place a device on him, getting further information would be much easier. With that, she picked up her phone and placed a call.
"Mmmm...." Felix groaned tiredly on the other end. "...what now?"
"Don't tell me you're asleep."
"Well, it's literally 10pm."
"I'm gonna need another one of those beauties from the last time."
"What the hell do you mean, again?" She yelled into the phone.
"Bitch I don't even know who the hell you are okay? For fuck's sake I could be dealing with an assassin here. Christ!"
"I'm not an assassin. Are we doing this or not? Another more of these hesitations and I might just have to take my business elsewhere."
He smiled. "Then you'd be settling for second best."
Diane rolled her eyes. "3am sharp? I'll send you a location."
"You know....someday you're gonna have to reveal your identity to me."
"Yeah, the day I finally lose my mind." She said, hanging up. She looked at the time. 10:06pmGrabbing a jacket from her wardrobe, Diane threw it over her shoulders and made her way out of the house. A few weeks ago, an informant had helped her get the contact of a Cyber Operator but she had no idea who he was but she didn't care. It was better they both kept their identities secret.
He was a computer scientist and a genius when it came to electronical gadgets such as this. Therefore, she needed him. Although, she was very careful in ensuring that she remained anonymous to him to avoid her cover being blown.
Arriving at her destination, she wore on a black face mask and approached the building on the other side of the road which didn't look much on the outside but the inside was a total different ballgame altogether.She had to show her card to the hefty guard outside before she was let in. Once inside, she asked for the boss and she was directed further inside. In a room full of men calculating and plotting strategies against the military government as always.
She made her way in and all heads turned to look at her. The boss, known as Shadow on sighting her, sent the others away. He was always in a full face black metal mask, his identity, hidden.
"I was told you weren't busy." Diane said.
"Igor told me about your plan to eliminate the General's son. Well that's a little harsh, don't you think?"
"Not anymore."
"And why is that?" He asked, corking an eyebrow in surprise.
"We were wrong to think they'd instantly opt for a negotiation. They're planning to infiltrate this place."
"Exactly. So be on alert for any suspicious persons."
"We will. Thank you for your service."
"I knew a spy rat would come in handy some day."
"What did you call me?"
"I'm sure you wouldn't mind."
"Must I remind you that I don't work for you."
"This was all a personal decision and our partnership is based on mutual trust and it is symbiotic."
"Trust?" Shadow smirked as he closed the space between the two of them. "Why would I trust someone who would think of betraying their own country?"
She looked up at him with a firm expression in her eyes, his height towering over her. "Call me whatever you want. You know absolutely nothing about me."
"Only that you're a traitor and I'm walking on thin ice dealing with you, Major Alvarin." The last part came with mockery in his tone and she couldn't help but feel hurt.
"You get to see my face but I on the other hand, have no idea who you are. On the contrary, I think I'm the one walking on thin ice here." Diane said, taking a step back and breaking their closeness. "I'm leaving. Just do as I've said." With that, she turned around and exited the room.Bunch of scumbags and assholes.
She cussed, silently in frustration.

Roman d'amourTrapped with your enemy in an underground bunker? Trapped in an underground bunker with her sworn enemy, she finds herself face-to-face with the man who let her father die-the man who holds ultimate power as Russia's Army General. She'...