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"How sure are you that this isn't some kind of hoax?"

                   The question came from Hassan's right hand man, Rahul. Five men including Hassan were seated in a road table in a room down the underground mine in the Omanian desert. They were on a voice call with Lewis and the three members of the Russian Parliament, Morozov, Volkov and Alexis.

"We were very careful when making our enquires with the General." Lewis began. "He's very much serious about the peace treaty."
"Hmm. Doesn't this just seem unlikely?" Hassan asked.
"After his father, we are the only ones the General trusts most. He wouldn't lie to us." Said Lewis.
"Then explain how a man like Russo would settle for less?" Rahul asked.
"Maybe for him it isn't less. If you ask me, I'd say that he has totally surrendered and just wants peace to reign. He's only thirty four and inexperienced. His reasons might be totally genuine." Lewis said.
"Peace?" Hassan chuckled. "Peace while the blood of one my brothers still runs deep in that land? The only kind of peace he'll be getting is the one that comes once he agrees to continue his father's end of the bargain."
"The Russo I know, is stubborn. He wouldn't agree to the deal once he discovers what it actually is."
"Well then, he had better put his house in order before coming to Oman." Hassan spoke, spite lacing every word.
"You know the plan, Hassan." Lewis smirked. "Make sure the General doesn't get out of Oman alive. He must not live."
"Killing the General. What's in it for me?" He asked. "Sure, I'd be taking revenge for the death of my messenger but I'd also be doing you a favour in the process. I don't do favours, Captain."
Lewis let out a sigh. "I very well know. Which is why I promise to continue in Marcov's steps once I'm sworn in as the next General."
Hassan exchanged looks with the men sitted with him before replying back to Lewis.
"Are you sure of this?"
"I'm not a weak livered dickhead like the General. I already know the other end of the bargain in exchange for the weapons and ammunition that the Omanians give to the Russian army. I even intend to double the supply, to show how grateful I can be."
"No need to make hefty promises, Anickin. Just in case you end up not being able to fulfill them."
"I will, Hassan. I promise."
"Very well then. I'll take your word for it and you'd better not be playing with me, Captain."
"No tricks, I promise."
"I'll send the General my approval once this call is over and in a few days time, he'll only be walking into his own death trap."

                   Lewis turned to the other three in his office, beaming with smiles.

"This is good news indeed." Said Morozov.
"I can feel the victory already." Alexis smiled.
"It's here in our palms, my good man. You talk about feeling. I can already grasp it in the palm of my hand." Volkov said, causing a burst of laughter from the men.
"Just a matter of weeks and Russia will be mine. Ours. As it should have been a long long time ago." Lewis exhaled, happiness radiating all over him.

                     After the former General, Marcov was rendered inactive from the heart attack that led to him having a stroke paralysis, the plan had always been to do away with his son and kill him. Every plan and measures which had been put in place in the past turned out to be a waste of time.

                        Even the plot to kill him at the last Neuroveil retrieval mission where he had been trapped in that underground bunker, had failed. He still survived much to everyone's dismay.

                      Not until, Lewis decided that Hassan would be a great ally in the plot to kill the General and moreso now that the iron head was proving stubborn. Poor Russo, he had no one on his side. Not even the members of the parliament.

                  They all wanted him dead. Even if he had done them no wrong. Not directly anyways. Seems the sins of the father does really, comes knocking at the door of his descendants and now only one price came with it.

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