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Driving to the military base later that morning Russo noticed that his cell wouldn't stop ringing. He took a glance every now and then before ignoring. The same way he had been for three days now.

After the stature opening ceremony, he had made the personal decision to stay indoors. Mentally preparing himself for the decision he was about to make and now he was out in the open again.

His phone rang yet again and he peered at the screen. Same person. Diane>>>> He ignored yet again. He had to. He just....had to. The minute he stepped into his office that morning, she came walking in through the door like he had foreseen, engulfing him in a relieved hug but he remained stiff.

It was taking him a great amount of effort not to reciprocate and squeeze his large arms around her small back. What the hell was wrong with him. He wouldn't mind a little beating from her at the moment. She detached her arms from him and stared cluelessly and surprised at his reaction.

"Where have you been?" Diane asked. "I checked in at the Mansion. I wasn't allowed. I figured that wouldn't be possible if you were home. So, where were you?"
"I was home." He simply said.
"What?" She refused to believe her ears. "Fine. Then why did you choose to stay indoors since three days now? And moreso, immediately after the stature opening ceremony."
"What I choose to do with my time shouldn't bother you, Diane." There was no hint of emotion in his voice or face. Why was he acting hostile all of a sudden.
"Are you sure you're okay? Did Hassan get back to you?" That has to be it. "Tell me what did he say?"
"Diane..." Russo sighed. "The Stature opening community is over."
"Yes and?"
"So are we."
The world suddenly dimmed in her vision and the air came to a standstill. "Wh-at?"
"I believe I've appeased the wrong I did to you and your father. We no longer have any tie that binds us together."
She laughed nervously. "Wait...." Diane shook her head in disbelief. "What are you saying?"
"I'm saying that I'm letting you go."
"Letting me go? The hell, I don't want to go anywhere." He was confusing her and she wasn't like this in the least.
"I'm not....the ideal spouse. I'm not...what you want."
"Hell! You're not telling anything RUSSO FEDORCENKO!" She yelled in anger and hurt creeping in.
"You want me to break it down?" He asked, leaning closer to her face. "Fine. I only kept you close this far till the deed was done and the stature is now in place. Everything should dissolve naturally."
"I called." Came her voice in a low tone. "I texted. I visited. And you shut me out on purpose because of this? Then why the hell did you lead me on in the first place?" She shouted at him, voice breaking, tears building. The sight of her like this was hurting him. To think he thought he was prefectly braced for this moment.
"I never led you on, Diane." He sighed, tiredly.
"Then tell me what's going on?"
"I simply can't have you around me anymore."
"Why not and why now? Did I do something wrong?"
Never! She could never do something wrong in his eyes. Not even when he found out she was rhe secret mole a year ago.

"No, Diane but I would rather we put an end to this and focus on the mission."
"Not another word."
"Not another word. Do you know how much I stood up for you when...?" Her voice trailed off not being able to say anymore and he knew she was referring to Nikolai. Just how much had that bastard been feeding her with. I stood up for you... He didn't deserve forgiveness after this.
"I can't believe you'd be so cruel but moreso, I hate myself even more for ever falling for your lies. God! I was so stupid!"

With tears of hurt and regret trailing down her eyes, she turned around and was about to leave when he held onto her wrist, preventing her from taking another step. Turning around, she hit him across the face with her fist before whipping her hand away from his. He totally deserved that and he was glad she did.

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