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The S.A Headquarters was filled with loyal underdogs who willing carried out the orders of their leader- Shadow. As he was known. The S.A were more of an advocate for better rulership and they also had the power to overthrow the current government if they felt it to be detrimental to the citizens either by words or by force.

Russo had heard of them since he was just a kid. Who would think that he would now give them such a thorough thought. It was no longer news that although he was of age and physically as well as mentally capable of taking over Russia as the new General, his father just wouldn't let him. Not to mention that his rulership didn't go down well with the masses.

The Syndicate had sent him warning over and over again but his father proved stubborn and barely paid them any mind. Russo had intially thought that his power-drunk father would finally let him have his turn at rulership after he returned from his two years intensive training in the USA but that didn't happen and more worse that yet another warning was sent to his father by the S.A leader.

The one about the Neuroveil. The chemical that was capable of making one forget about his combat skills. One that made one forget how to fight. Yet, his father would rather protect his position than the lives of his men. Having just about enough of everything, Russo got into his car that night and drove away to meet with the leader of the S.A.

At first when his men had informed him that the Commander was seeking an audience with him that night, Nikolai found it hard to believe. He was almost certain it was some kind of trick until he got outside and saw him leaning against the side of his Mercedes, arms crossed.

"So tell me, where are the rest your men?"

Russo turned to the sound of Nikolai's voice approaching him. The Man wore on a metallic mask that perfectly shielded his face from view.

"I came alone."
"Bravery or Stupidity?"
"Desperation would be a better term."
"Why would the Chief Commander of all of Russia be desperate?"
"Probably because that title isn't enough and probably because I've had it on for so long, it's starting to rot off on me."
Nikolai looked at him, surprised. "Talk to me."
"I figured instead of being in discord all the time, it'd be better if we were in agreement."
"What do you mean?"
"I'll spell it out for you, Shadow. I want the General out of position just as much as you do." He said, coldly.
"What? But he's your father."
"Exactly, goddamn it! However, he's made it clear that it doesn't make any difference."
"Wow. I never thought you'd also get to feel the brunt of his a son."
Russo sighed. "Do we have a deal?"
"What do you want?"
"Stage a fake peace treaty. I'll meet with your representative on a ship with a few trustees. Then, a fake attack breaks out. In which only I get to survive but the rest of the country won't know that. The news will come as such a shock, it'll be sure to trigger my father's already several blood pressure issues. It's either he dies from a heart attack or suffers a stroke."

Nikolai studied the Man's facial expression as he spoke. There was no ounce of remorse or sympathy to be found there. If anything, it was obvious that his decision was already sealed. A man that would kill his father for power, wasn't a man worth trusting. He would oblige his request but he needed something to keep a leash on him just in case.

"Fine. Let's do it."

Stupid! Stupid!! Stupid!!! The son of a bitch looked her in the face and told her all that! How stupid of her to think he was changing or to think he felt something for her. Where was the passion in his eyes those two times he claimed her lips in his? Gone! All she could see was rage.

An anger so raw that she had no idea he was capable of or any other person for that matter and why? Because she set eyes on those pictures. Diane took out her eyes as she got to her front porch, opening the door, she went in and locked it after her.

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