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                   That evening, Diane found herself seated in a table, dressed in the sand brown dress from earlier that day, waiting for Shadow. From the moment she had told Yena she was meeting up with someone, the latter had excitedly taken it to be some sort of date. At that moment, her cell dinged with a message from Yena.

'There yet?'
'Ten minutes ago. He's yet to arrive.'
'I'm sure he's been held up by the traffic.'
'Im not worried, Yena. It's not what you think.'
'I hope it turns out to be :)"

                    Diane shook her head with a smile. Yena obviously had no idea who this person was. If she did, she wouldn't be so giddy. Why did Shadow ask to see her again? He wasn't usually out in the open. Was he going to come without his mask?

               That didn't seem likely but still, he wouldn't want to draw attention to himself wearing that metal over his face. The door to the restaurant came open and she immediately turned around. A man with an athletic built stepped inside.


              Seeing he made no eye contact , she figured this wasn't him. A soft tap on the glass door caught her attention. Diane caught sight of a Man in a black cap but that was all apart from his outfit, the metal mask was off.

            Hurriedly, getting up from her seat, she walked outside. She had almost forgotten how firm and rigid he was built and also, seeing his face for the first time was....odd as it came as a surprise. Why chose to hide a face like that? The Man was good looking.

"Umm...." She looked around unsure and he smiled knowingly.
"It's me." He assured.
"Voice check!" Diane smiled. "Your face...."
"I know."
"Does this mean you now trust me enough to share your identity with me?"
"Not likely. Not like anyone can tell which from which."
"Mhmm, deny all you want."
"How do you even know I'm the actual person standing in front of you?"
"What?" She took a nervous step back. His eyes traced her movement, causing a smile to break through his lips.
"You have nothing to worry. It's me."
"I have everything to worry. I don't really know you well to begin with and besides you made me wait an eternity." She frowned.
"I never said you could go in."
"My bad for thinking you were going to be a gentleman and get me dinner."
"Hmm." He rolled his eye. "Walk with me. There's something we need to talk about."
"What's wrong?" She asked, looking at his face under the cap as they both strolled by the sidewalk of the busy street. He tucked both hands into both his pockets, keeping his eyes ahead.
"The General."
"Russo? What's wrong with him?"

              He stole her a look with a hint of surprise at the familiarity with which she now called his name and why was concern now lacing her tone instead of hate? Had he made a mistake to leave her on her own?

"He's in some serious dipshit that's what."
"I suspected same. Does this have to do with the terrorist organization in Oman?"
"You know?"
"Saw something I probably shouldn't but that's not the point. How bad is the situation?"
"Enough to ruin him."
"Completely. Just like you've always wanted."
"Oh...." Diane blinked, suddenly remembering her past resolve. "What's this about?"
"I'm not totally sure. Seems the former General got involved with some sort of deal with those guys. As time went on, he ended up playing a very fast one on them."
"And now, they're angry?"
"They want Russo to continue in his father's place and right his wrong."
"Is he oblivious of his father's affairs?"
"What?" She didn't usually ask questions like this. Almost as if she was looking for a way of escape for the bastard.
"Just answer me."
"I'll find out but if he does, we're going to have to implicate him as soon as possible."
"Hmm." Diane said, absentmindedly.
"You sure, you're okay?"
"I'm fine. I just...I was starting to think, maybe, Russo Fedorcenko might not be as bad as his father afterall. What if we've held a wrong judgement against him all this time?"
"Sure and why? Because he carved up some rock to look like your father?"
He was talking about the stature. Diane realized.
"You think he's sorry? Given another chance, he will do it over and over again."
"You don't know tha..."
"I know how power works." He cut a glance before looking back straight ahead.
"He's changed. I know it. I can feel his genuineness from a mile away. He even...."
"What the fuck is all this? Wait a minute..." He laughed. "You think he'll spare you if he someday realizes you were the mole in the military all this time?"
She let out a gasp as her gaze locked with his."Everything will be gone. Including that pathetic stature."
His words cut through her like a knife. Making her wonder if she was only being foolish all this time.
"Get your ass back in gear, Diane. You're slipping and it certainly doesn't suit you."
She bit her bottom lip, feeling a tinge of hurt.
"For now, I'll do my best to get the facts right. One thing's certain, we can't take any actions because of a grudge we once held. We need to make sure we're not prosecuting an innocent man."
_What the hell is up with her? Shit! This isn't working._
He scoffed. "Would like to see you keep that face on when I present you with actual evidence."
"If you do, Shadow."
"What?" She stared up at him, confused.
"Nikolai Pavel. My name."
She let out a relaxed smile. "Nice to meet you, I guess?"
He shook his head with a grin. "Aren't you supposed to head back home, already? We're done as it is."
"Don't worry. I still have a few hours to take a stroll."
"You know we're not supposed to linger after information has been exchanged."
"True." She shrugged. "But I'm taking this stroll with Nikolai, not....Shadow."

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