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              The next morning, Russo had long been up and by the time Diane got up from her slumber, the Commander was nowhere to be found. She got out of the shed and looked into the street.

              She could clearly see the surroundings now and the more she walked, she more she could see the villagers staring at her with fright or rather....her outfit. Was the camouflage uniform now a stigma? So has the reign of the Fedorcenkos made it seem.

             Diane kept both hands in her pockets as she walked around looking for Russo, it was no use asking around for his whereabouts, the villagers would pay her no attention.

            Wait....could it be that the already scouts arrived and the bastard left her here to find her own way home? No. That wasn't possible. Personally, the major grudge was to his father, Marcov Fedorcenkos.
Dont leave me with scores to settle with you, Russo.


             Diane turned around hearing her last name behind her. It was him and he was holding a device in one hand.

"Morning, sir." She saluted. He only nodded in response.
"I was able to get a satellite phone from the locals. We should be able to reach out to the others with this."
"That's excellent news, sir."
Russo wasted not another second has he placed a call. It was only a few seconds before a connection was made.

"Sierra-6, this is Phantom-1." He simply said.

           There was a pause and for the next few seconds, he could tear rapid tapping from the latter end. They were trying to go confirm if he was actually who he claimed to be.

"Phantom-1, authentication confirmed." The voice answered. "What's your status, Commander?"
"I'm currently stranded at the north, Kundal village along with Major Alvarin. We both require a secure extraction. Send QRF."
"Roger that, sir. ETA 30 minutes. Prepare for dust off."
"Acknowledged. Ensure armed escort in case of a possible enemy engagement."
"Roger, Phantom-1. QRF en route. Maintain situational awareness. Help is on the way, Commander."
Russo terminated the call and turned to Diane. "We'll be moving to the designated LZ. Up the hill where it'll be easier for extraction."
"Yes, sir." She nodded, understandingly.

                They both set out to leave the village, amongst low murmurs from the villagers but Russo didn't seem the care. Even as they walked passed the security guards who now had bandages on certain parts of their body. 

           After a twenty five minute walk up the hill, the rescue team known as the Black Hawks, thundered in. The rapid rotation of the propellers could be heard from above causing a dust raid on the ground. Armed Soldiers rappelled down, securing the perimeter.

"Welcome back, Commander." A Soldier, Rhysand walked forward to Russo with his rifle strapped to his chest. "Everyone got worried when you didn't return that night, Commander.
"Concern is for families not Soldiers. Save your emotions for debriefing, Sergeant. We've got work to do." Said Russo, rather too coldly.
"Yes, sir."
"Secure the perimeter and get me a situation report from the last two days now."

                The helicopter came to the ground and Russo let the other Soldiers get in before him walked into it, standing at the entrance just before Diane could get in. His eyes scrutinizing every inch of her as he spoke.

"Major, you'll be taking a separate helicopter." He stated, more of a command as his voice was void of emotion.
Diane's brows furrowed in displeasure. "Sir, I'm part of your extraction team—"
"You're not cleared for the MH-60S." Russo cut her off, his voice icy. "Your skills are clearly....beneath its standards."
Her expression tightened. "Sir, I've flown on missions before this particul—"
"Not with me, Major." Russo's gaze sliced through her. You'll ride in the UH-60 which will arrived here in two hours."
"T-two hours?!"

            Her eyes widened in disbelief at the Man's arrogance and lack of consideration. There was more than enough room for a battalion of Soldiers in there but he just had to be a fucking ass about it!

"It's more suitable for your level. You are aware that not just anyone rides with me."
Her eyes flashed anger but her voice remained controlled. "Yes, sir."
Russo turned to Sergeant Rhysand. "Make sure Major Alvarin boards the UH-60."
"Already on it, sir."

          Diane watched bitterly as the Chopper took Russo out of sight as well as the other comrades. With her hands fisted beside her she had no other choice but to pace up and down in fury waiting for the final the helicopter to take her out.

"I have a chance at survival but the Commander most likely does not and he's our number one priority."
"But you are my priority, Dad."
"Enough, Diane! Remember, his life before ours. Now promise me that you'll protect him with the last drop of your blood, Diane. Promise me. Make me proud this once and promise me."

                 To hell with the Commander and screw the bastard! She thought, furiously. She helped save his worthless life at the expense of her father and he treats her like what? Dirt! Maybe she was wrong thing Russo would be any different from his father. He might as well even be much more worse.

Son of a bitch!

               Later on, she had to sit on the ground, awaiting the chopper. That's if the scumbag would remember to send her help but after what seemed like an eternity of waiting, the chopper arrived.

                The UH-60 helicopter settled onto the landing zone, rotors whipping the dust. Diane approached, her expression still tense from Russo's rebuke. The pilot, Captain Orlov, greeted her with a crisp Salute.

"Welcome aboard, Major Alvarin." He greeted her. "I'm your Pilot for this extraction."
"Thank you, Captain."

           Orlov's eyes crinkled at the corners as he spoke. Judging by appearance, he should be in his early forties and not more than a five foot ten.

"Ma'am, please buckle in. We've got a 10-minute window to clear the AO."
Diane settled into the passenger's sera, securing her harness.
Orlov continued, his voice formal. "Flight plan confirmed. Destination, Bravo-6 HQ. Estimated flight time is thirty minutes."
"Roger that, Captain." Diane replied.
He handed her a headset. "Comms check, Major?"
Diane took the headset, her voice clear the comms system. "Loud and clear, Captain."
He nodded. "Good. Weather's looking clear. No expected hostiles in our flight path."
"Let's move out, Captain."
"Roger that, Major. Liftoff in 3....2....1...."

                  The UH-60 lifted into the sky, leaning the dusty village behind. Once they arrived at the headquarters, Diane wasted no time in leaving for her home. She rushed into the empty house, hoping to find her mother.

"Mom? Mom?" She called out but was met with no response.
Diane turned around at the sound of the housekeeper behind her. "Have you seen my mom?"
"She was called in by the CNO yesterday."
Diane felt a stab to her heart as she feared the expected. "The Casualty Notification Officer?"
"Yes, Miss. Mr Alvarin was reported injured from the last mission."
"Oh my God!" She gasped, shocked and worried.

                No doubt he would be in the State's Military Hospital and knowing exactly where that was. Diane stormed out of the house in a fit of panic, rushing into her car as she sped off into the distance.

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