The militants gathered at the firing range, the sound of gunfire echoing through the facility. Captain Lewis stood before then eyes scanning the group."Alright, listen up!" Came his voice, loud and sharp. "Today's training focuses on marksmanship and tactical shooting. You'll be firing M4A1 carbines and M9 pistols. Remember, accuracy and speed are key."
He paced before the group, surveying their gear.
"Check your weapons , ensure they're clear and safe. Remember, this isn't target practice. This is combat training. Throughout the course of today, you'll be engaging multiple targets, moving and stationary so stay focused and stay alert."
He continued, "Your primary objective is to neutralize threats effecirbtly. Aim for certain center mass and prioritize head shots. Don't waste ammo and make sure every fucking shot counts."Diane adjusted her tactical best, her M4A2 run at the ready. As much as she had done this countless of times before but still, she knew complacency was a killer.
"First drill: Standing position, 50- meter target. Engage multiple targets, 3-round bursts. Move!" The Captain ordered.
The militants took position, weapons shouldered. Diane focused on her targets, exhaling slowly as she squeezed the trigger.
"FIRE!"The range erupted in a cacophony of gunfire. Diane's rifle bucked against her shoulder, spent brass ejecting onto the ground.
"Cease Fire!" Captain Lewis ordered.
The militants lowered their weapons, surveying their targets. Diane could see her shots clustered tightly around center mass.
"Good grouping, Serg." Captain Lewis commended as he inspected her target. She smiled, proud of herself.
This time it wasn't her father training her as all he would do was to criticize all her efforts. Although she knew he was hard on her because he wanted her to get better but no matter how hard he was, she could morph herself to be the Man he wanted her to be. She glanced up at a the large glass window of the command center.
From there, she could see the General looking down at them from his office. He had that expressionless, stoic look on his face as always. Their eyes met for a long while and she was disturbed why he wouldn't break contact. Russo held a wine glass in hand and his EarPods were plugged in, he was on a call.
"I have a feeling whoever this traitor is, is most likely in the army." Russo said to the caller.
"How sure are you?" Asked Felix from the other end.
"You know what they say, your enemies are always right in the same room with you. You just don't know it yet."
"Who do you suspect?"
His eyes scanned the men down below before landing on Diane who happened to also be looking up at him. "I don't know. But it must be someone close. Close enough to place that device on me without me realizing."
"Alright brother, let's brainstorm."
"You're the smart one, go first."
Felix let out a low chuckle on the other end.
"Who was the last person you were with before that trip?"
"I had only three escorts. Three of my most trusted men." Russo said.
Felix was obviously taking down notes. He reasoned.
"Warner Alvarin, Ryan Vladimir and.....Diane Alvarin." Russo said, a certain realization finally hitting him as he stared down at her with a much increased intensity than before. By that time, she was on one knee, aiming at a target with concentration and precision.
"But wait....Diane isn't a Man." Felix said.
"And your anonymous buyer happens to be....." Russo voice trailed off, not being able to fully believe it.
"....a woman also." Felix answered. "Fuck, Man! Could this be true? Could it be her?"
"Why would Alvarin want to hurt me at that time? She had nothing against me until now."
"Thats right but what if?"
"Right now, we can't be sure." Russo said, his brows furrowed in displeasure.
"The way I see it, we're going to have to have to set up a bait to lure her in. If she's the one. She'll fall for it."
"And if she isn't?" Asked Russo.
"Then the search continues."The next day a good number of Soldiers considered to be the best of the best were summoned to the military headquarters by the Lieutenant General Lewis Anickin. The second most feared and powerful man after the General.
Diane happened to be included on the list which made her realize that she was the only female Soldier in the group. Could it be that she was really that good? As they arrived, all standing at attention in front of a large podium inside an equally spacious but empty hall, the Lieutenant General could be seen standing by the side, a tall, agile and no-nonsense looking man most likely in his thirties.
The General was yet to arrive and once he came the impromptu meeting would begin. This must be very serious for a gathering like this to suddenly be called for out of nowhere and not to mention the caliber of Soldiers called together. Soon the General, Russo Fedorcenko had arrived and he could be seen exchanging handshakes with Lewis on the podium.
By the order of the General, Lewis climbed walked to the center of the Podium and began to address them all.
"Attention!" He called out, his voice loud and sharp. "I know you all must be wondering why you've all been called out on such short notice and now, it's about time we cleared the air. We've just gotten intel from our intelligence specialist that there's been a sighting of the dreadful chemical, the Neuroveil in Moscow city."
Diane gasped within herself. Hadn't she told Shadow to destroy it? That sneaky bastard! What was he up to? She honestly thought they had dropped the issue.
"I'll let our I.S do the rest of the talking." Said Lewis as he stepped down. Walking up to the center podium was Felix Sergei.
"Good morning, one and all." He started. "A few months ago we had a threat from the S.A about this dangerous gas which also has a liquid form. It is a neural suppressant that targets the brain's motor cortex and hippocampus, responsible for muscle memory and reflexive actions. Upon injection or inhalation, it releases nano compounds that disrupt neural pathways related to combat reflexes."Felix stopped, his eyes scanning the crowd before continuing.
"Which means....whoever comes in contact with this chemical, will instantly lose any memory of combat training. Such a person will not be able to fight unless being trained from the start and we know what threat this means for the military. Last night, I was able to receive certain signals that showed the location of the Neuroveil in mass. It was shipped to a warehouse in Moscow by these same people."
"Thank you, Mr Sergei." Came Russo's voice as he took over from where Felix had stopped. "You've all heard him, haven't you?" He asked.
"Yes, sir!" They chorused.
"Good! The ten of you have selected for this mission. We'll be relocating to our base in Moscow city by Saturday. We'll need to move quietly and not stir up any commotion so our enemies won't know what we're up to. With that being said, I'll be joining you all on this mission and Lieutenant General Anickin will serve as our trainer for the period of time." Russo stopped to watch the stunned expression on their faces the moment he said 'our.'
"Any questions?" He asked.
A Soldier raises his hand.
"Go on."
"Does that mean you intend to embark on this mission with us, sir?"
"Yes, indeed. At the base, I am one of you, until we get back. So no use of any entitlements when addressing me. We're all mates. And not just this but every other mission we're going to have in the future. I'm not the General that intends to sit comfortably while my men are at war. I'll fight hand in hand with you all. We're all brothers and I believe that comrades should stick together." Russo said, erupting a clapping ovation from the men.Even Diane herself couldn't help but feel amazed by the Man's declaration. Only a man who understood what compassion meant would be willing to die in battle alongside his men. A true man of honor. Was Russo Fedorcenko really such a man?

RomanceTrapped with your enemy in an underground bunker? Trapped in an underground bunker with her sworn enemy, she finds herself face-to-face with the man who let her father die-the man who holds ultimate power as Russia's Army General. She'...