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                   Russo was first to play, striking the cue ball with precision. The ball scattered and Russo pocketed two solids.

"Nice start, but I'm not worried," Felix said, eyeing the table.

                    He went ahead and targeted the 1-ball, striking it with a smooth draw shot. The ball was nicely pocketed.

"Those first two points were clearly, beginner's luck." Felix bragged.
"We'll see." Came Russo's voice.
"Come to think of it, now that the General's no longer around, how much longer before you get sworn in as the next?"
"Not long."
"Losing two great men at the same time is indeed an irrecoverable loss." Felix shook his head.
"Two?" Russo quirked an eyebrow.
"Warner Alvarin. I heard he passed away."
"When was this?" Russo asked, keeping a straight face.
"He passed on two days ago, according to the news."
"I was right not to bother afterall." Said Russo indifferently.
" knew of his condition?"
"His daughter asked that I finance his hospital bills."
"And you turned her down because?"
"I didn't think it was important."
"What? You didn't think the Man's life was important?"
"There's a lot of things you don't know, Man."
"Then make me understand. Warner was the most loyal of them all to your family."
"Remember when my Father made his child, a Major while I was away in the States. Major Alvarin?" Russo asked.
"Second-in-command to you, yes."
"Which means if I were to die now or be rendered immobile, that child would take over Russia in my stead."
"Why are you bringing this up now?"
"You'd agree with me that we all thought Major Alvarin was a Man."
"Wait, what the hell? Major Alvarin isn't a Man?"
"NO!" Russo yelled, upset as he banged his fist on the table. "You had no idea how fucking humiliated I felt the very first time I realized. Why would my Father put a woman as second in command to be me?"
"So sorry, Man. I had no idea."
Russo let out a sigh, calming his nerves. "Someone who couldn't even take a ten hour walk without breaking down." He smiled, shaking his head. "It's fine, she's been relieved of her duties anyways." He added, an icy edge to his tone.
"Why? Because you hate her? Man, that's just childish." Felix said but Russo shook his head instead.
"No. I gave her the option to return to base in twenty four hours but she choose to defy my orders. The consequences must simply be followed."
"When was this exactly?" Felix asked with narrowly, suspicious eyes.
"Two days ago."
"You knew she had to be by her father's side at that time, you scumbag!" Felix frowned, slightly.
Russo merely shrugged. "Besides, Warner knew way too much, it was only better, he died but I will ensure to attend his funeral just to show that I'm not a total asshole."
"You son of a bitch." Felix cussed in disbelief. Russo smiled at his friend.
"Let's get back to the game." He said.
"You mean back to mean beating your ass at this."

                Letting out a low chuckle, Russo leaned forward and played it safe, hitting a soft shot to leave Felix with a difficult angle.

"Fuck!" Felix cussed with a small grin.
"Try to come back from that." Russo smiled.
"You're trying to keep me locked down, but I'll find a way." Felix said, studying the table. "You fucker!" He cussed again.
"No way out?" Russo chuckled. "Just give up already."
"Not in your dreams."

                   Felix targeted the 1-ball, striking it with a smooth draw shot. The ball ricocheted off the cushion, landing inches from a pocket.

                   Felix targeted a cue ball, attempting a bank shot. The hall ricocheted off the cushion, landing inches from a pocket and this handed Russo an opportunity.

"Ah, you gave me an opening." Russo smiled, cunningly. He sank yet another solid.

             On and on it went with the two men until Russo was leading seven to six. Felix was left facing a daunting task. Pocket the remaining stripes and 8-ball. He made a valiant effort but ultimately missed the 8-ball. Russo seized the opportunity, lining up the wining shot.

"You can't stop me now." Russo smiled, basking in his incoming victory.
"There's always next time." Said Felix.
"Aw, too bad." Russo mocked as he sank the 8-ball, securing the victory.
"And I won." He announced with a smile.
"Whatever man."
"Someone's a sodding loser."
"Hell no." Felix said, laughing. "Rematch?"
"Anytime, brother." Russo replied, grabbing the glass of whiskey in front of him. "Loser buys drinks."
"You only got lucky."
"I don't need luck when I've got skill."
Felix grabbed his car keys from the table. "Let's go get you those drinks, then."
"Lead the way."


          Late into that same night, Diane had finally been able to put her weeping mother to sleep. It was only two days and the death of her father had drained them both. They had received thousands of condolences but not a single penny which was they were really in need of at that time.

Her mother had earlier suggested that they buried his body as soon as possible and she agreed with her. Tears filled her eyes as she walked down the street that night. She planned to meet up with Shadow that night. After a few minutes, she arrived at the meeting spot.

He emerged from the dark, his metal mask still on. She had never seen his face before and it was probably all for the best. Still, she always felt chills when she perceived his aura. Diane had no idea why but there was just something about this Man that put her off.

"I only came to say goodbye." Diane said.
"My condolences."
"It's okay." Came her hoarse voice.
"I'll make sure to be present at his funeral. When is it?"
She looked up at him, surprised. "Why?"
"We're just acquaintances. Even that is now in the past tense."
He smiled. "Why are you leaving the syndicate?"
"The General is good as dead." She shrugged.
"Will his son be any different?"
"Maybe not but let's give the scumbag the benefit of doubt for now. For now, I'm done with all this. For the sake of my mother. She needs me now more than ever."
"I understand. What happens to the Neuroveil now?"
"Have them destroyed. It's over. We won't be needing them anymore."
"I'll see to it."
"Since this is the last time we might ever see again, won't you indulge me and let me see your face?" She asked.
Diane heard a low deep chuckle from the latter.
"Why?" He asked, closing the space between them.
"Why not?" She asked back, looking up at him.
"Stay still." Shadow slowly took pulled the mask just above his lips. She stared at him, a little amazed.
"Why do you have that look on?" He asked. "What were you thinking, that I was made of metal?"
"Maybe." She shrugged.

He only smiled, his next action startled as well as surprised her. He pulled her in and leaned down, slowly bringing her lips to his. Diane felt her breath hitch. What was happening? She didn't want to refuse either, because she wanted this but in the next second, the kiss ended up on her cheek instead. She couldn't lie that was a bit disappointing but then again, what the hell was she expecting?

"Goodnight Major." Came his voice as he turned around and disappeared into the distance, leaving her speechless.

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