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As she fought to regain control of her breathing, footsteps could be heard behind them. Russo turned, firing blinding at another group of attackers. He needed to get them both out of here and fast. He got up and threw her over his shoulders.

He began moving fast through the narrow corridor as more enemies closed in. Russo fought his way through the underground maze, taking down anyone who crossed their path. His mind was racing, adrenaline pumping through his veins aggressively. This wasn't no bloody retrieval mission—it was a fucking trap.

Whoever set this up wanted them dead. Initially, he had thoughts that the woman flung over his right shoulder was the mole in the group but if so, why was she risking her life right now? No it had to be someone else. He could hear her gasping loudly all of a sudden, her breathing coming in short bursts. He let her down, immediately. She was turning white. Pale....too pale. She wasn't going to make it.

'Bloody hell!' He cussed in frustration as he took off his gas mask and placed it on her.

The installed breather should help her relax and stabilize her body but that would mean, he was now prone to danger. Nevermind that, they had to keep going. She hadn't fully recovered yet. He flung her almost weightless body over his shoulder once again and hung his rifle on the left shoulder, with a handgun in his grasp. He resumed running. A figure came running towards him with a weapon in hand.

"Fucking hell!"

He cussed, pulling the trigger on his handgun, the burst quickly finished the latter off. Yet another bullet-ripped corpse lay in front of them. All of a sudden, the flashlight on his helmet was flickering, threatening to go off any second from now.


That shouldn't happen, if the light went off, they would be left trapped in the darkness of the underground tunnel. They were as good as dead. Who the hell could have set him up in such a way? This was a perfectly articulated plan. Just then, he felt a sharp constriction in his lungs. He held his chest, letting out a pained groaned. His breathing grew heavy. He was now running low on oxygen.

Ignore the pain....keep moving....keep going....can't stop...fuck!

Eventually, he couldn't go any further as he came crashing on his knees, yet he was careful not to let go off her or else she would fall and hurt herself even worse. Russo put her down and tried to catch his breath but nothing seemed to be working.

"Wh-where are we?" He heard her voice. She had regained consciousness.
"Miles underground." He replied, groaning in pains. Diane realized he no longer had his mask on but she did.
"You can't breathe!" She was alarmed, rushing up to him.
"Thanks for the reminder." He choked out, falling back down, gasping.
"Shit!" She searched his pockets and pulled out the radio. "Mayday! Mayday!! The General is down. Assistance is needed immediately!" She yelled into the radio but got no response. "Do you fucking read me?!!!!"


Oh no! It was either the network was scrambled or the others up above were....dead! Diane looked down at Russo, lying on the floor. He was bleeding from both nostrils. All of a sudden fear gripped her tightly. She held him by both arms, shaking him.

"Wake up! Wake up!!" Staring hopelessly into his half closed eyelids, she reached out to the back of her head in an attempt to take out the mask and place it back on him.
"Don' dare!" He coughed out.
"You're going to—"
"That's an order, Serg. Find a way out of here and get the hell out."
"No." She shook her head, almost not believing the answer was from her. Hadn't she wanted this man dead from day one? "We came in here together and we're leaving together, do you hear me?"
"Fuck the heroics, Diane and get the hell out. There are more of those men out there....." His words trailed off into splutters.
"Stop talking." Diane picked up the radio once again and the signal suddenly came on.
"We're heading your way, just keep the device on." It was Lewis speaking.
"Yes, sir."
"What's the condition of the General?"
"He can't breathe."
"What the fuck is that supposed to mean? Doesn't he have his mask on?"
"He did but he let me have it since mine...broke."
"Put the mask back on the General!" Lewis scolded.
"I tried. He doesn't want me to..." Her voice broke into tears.
"If the General dies, I'll see to it that your career comes to an end, Sergeant. Do you understand?"


Tears trailing down her eyes, she sat down, hopelessly looking down at him. He was pale by now and she couldn't tell how much longer he had left to live. She tapped his face gently.

"Sir...?" Her eyes widened in horror. "Russo!" She called out in a fit of panic, throwing formality to the wind. She lay her head down on his chest, trying to make out a heart beat but....none!

"No!" She gasped. "No no no no!!!"

Tears trailed down her eyes, she moved away from his body in fright. Diane couldn't explain why she was fretting so much. Her father's last words sounded in her ears.

He's our number one priority.
But you are my priority, Dad.
Enough, Diane! Remember, his life before ours. Now promise me that you'll protect him with the last drop of your blood, Diane.
Promise me. Make me proud this once and promise me. Promise me, child.
I promise. I'll find him and get him to safety.
No matter the cost.
No matter the cost.

She had failed. She had failed her father. Failed the team. Failed the entire country. Failed her career all because she was scared to die in his place. All because she wanted to live. Was that such a bad thing? It was when you were a Soldier who took an oath to put her Superior's life before hers.

Hurried footsteps could be heard coming in. She was on a knees, staring blindly with tears at Russo's stiff body. The blood trails down his nostrils. She didn't bother looking back. It was her team. Ryan came forward and felt his pulse. He shook his head to the others.

"Take her out of here!" Lewis ordered and in the next second, both her wrists were cuffed and she was made to face the captain. Irritated and disgusted by her actions, he slapped her across the face.
"You're a disgrace to the military, Sergeant Alvarin. "Get her out of my sight!"

Tears was still trailing her eyes as she was led away from the scene and Russo's body was carried by Mark. Together they all moved out of the tunnel, passing through a trail of dead bodies and finally getting back into the chopper waiting at the top of the roof.

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