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That's a wrap!

Five years later... it feels surreal to know that this is where the story ends. There's not many of you but a huge thanks to anyone reading this - here's to 10K! 🎉

Also, I know there are some people who might not like this ending but it is the one thing that remains unchanged from the original. Five years ago, this is what I had in mind and now at 17, it still makes sense to me. But with that being said, I personally love to imagine Reid and Lex ending up together, somewhere down the track :)

There will be no sequel but I have a few unpublished excerpts, including a Reid's POV for what happened between Chapter 37 and 38. Let me know if you would like to see that - or a spin-off, possibly about Lee or Kade?

Once again, thank you for reading!

See you soon,
Sophie xx

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