Chapter 38

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"Guys," Tyler sighed. "We have a problem."

The group of us had just finished cleaning his million-dollar mansion from the basement to the roof-top pool. It had taken a good three hours and all I wanted now was a break.

"I'm sure it can wait," said Jarred and then grinned when Dennis sat down beside him. "Hey, you have a penis on your face!"

"You really think I don't know it was you?" Dennis gave him a nasty look, popping open a soda. "You ain't slick, JD."

After passing out in the bathtub, Dennis had woken up a little groggy in the morning. While he was unconscious last night, Jarred fondly created a Sharpie masterpiece and Tyler suddenly became a vlogger, documenting the whole thing in case Dennis needed to be blackmailed one day. The details were a little hazy after that.

"Guys." Tyler persisted, causing his drink to splash all over his white Ralph Lauren polo. "I'm serious. Where's Reid?"

Dennis looked confused. "He had a big night and probably went home."

"Well, it's almost four o'clock in the afternoon and none of us has heard from him."

"Come on, man," Jarred waved it off. "Maybe he needed some time away from you."

Tyler didn't seem impressed. "He'll get that when I leave in four days!"

"You're overreacting," Kayley pointed out with a yawn. "But what do you propose?"

"A search party," Tyler decided firmly. "Something is wrong."

"Sounds a bit extreme," I mumbled.

Tyler gave me a terrifying glare and I raised my hands in surrender. "Well, Lex, how about you and I check out the Castellan Estate instead? Maybe, if we're lucky, Reid's worked up the courage to finally ask you out."

Kayley gasped dramatically and I made a point to ignore the jibe. "Would that put your mind to rest, Tyler?"

He paused, thinking. "It would, actually."

"Oh, come on." Kayley interrupted. "You don't actually think Reid's gone missing, do you? He was so cosy with Lex last night."

"I think that's precisely why he's disappeared so abruptly."

Kayley and I shared a look but when Tyler didn't seem amused, I got to my feet with an exaggerated sigh. Jarred and Dennis watched with disbelief as Tyler pulled a hoodie over his head, patting around for his phone. When he found it behind the gaming console, he dialled Reid's number for what seemed like the umpteenth time.

"See you soon," Tyler called to our friends before heading out.

I followed him to the garage and after punching in the security code, he revealed three shiny cars to choose from. He seemed to already have his heart set on the silver Bentley to the far right and we both got inside, the car starting up as the garage doors hummed open.

"I need to talk to you," Tyler said immediately as we reached the end of his driveway. "I just - I need advice. I'm kind of fucking scared, bro."

A little nervous now, I sat back in the leather seats, crossing one leg over the other. "Go on."

He let out a frustrated breath and upon seeing the crease between his eyebrows, I got ready to tease him about premature wrinkles at the brink of his Hollywood career. Then, seeing that he was serious, I let another minute of silence pass between us.

"It's about Reid," he admitted. "You know I would sell my soul for him and the boys. But Lex, if he ever needs me now... I'll be across the country. I won't be able to help him."

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