Chapter 13

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A/N: Two years later, I've returned against all odds with the completed first manuscript of You'll Be Okay! I will be slowly publishing the chapters over the next few months - if anyone is still around to read this book anyway. Thanks for the feedback so far :)


"There's a party this weekend."

Slamming my locker shut, I turned to Tyler with a deadpan look.

He was immune to my lack of enthusiasm and grinned brightly. "Well, it's a Halloween beach bonfire kind of thing. Are you in or are you in?"

"I don't know," I replied honestly. We started walking down the corridor as students crowded, heading to lunch. "Whose party is it?"

Tyler scoffed. "Does it matter?"

"I'll see," I decided. "If Kayley's up for it, maybe."

"She will be," he said confidently. "Do you remember when she puked onto my mother's life-size George Washington in freshman year? I think he still has vomit between his eyebrows. Anyway, my point is that Kayley, unlike you, knows how to have a good time."

I rolled my eyes but was saved from responding when I caught sight of Kayley herself, chatting with Jarred as she searched for a table to sit at.

Unlike most high schools which had obvious levels in the social hierarchy, Marshall Grammar was different. There was one level that mattered and that was the very top - the middle table of the cafeteria where the richest, prettiest and meanest operated. They were the children of America's elite - celebrities, politicians, business entrepreneurs and the like. It was where Reid Castellan ran his kingdom.

"Come on," said Tyler as he passed. "There's plenty of room, ladies."

"Enough to fit your ego?" Kayley returned blithely, quirking an eyebrow at him.

I've always admired her cool, ever since Kayley and I weasled our way to the middle table in freshman year. It was an impressive feat thinking back now, and I couldn't help but wonder how things would be if that was where we stayed. It seemed so long ago but even then, I remembered Reid having his inner circle that hadn't changed over the years.

"Sure," Tyler called over his shoulder. "Not enough for my big –"

"Look at you, bringing the party." Dennis interrupted, already shuffling over to create more room. He slapped Jarred's hand away as he tried to sneak something off his tray. "No, Jarred - get your own snacks, man."

As I sat down beside Kayley, I braced myself for some kind of reaction from the rest of the table. But the massive group just looked at us, shrugged it off and returned to their conversations. Out of habit, I steadied myself and tried for a stealthy once-over of my new surroundings. Somehow, I ended up meeting Reid's levelled stare.

I couldn't deny that things were weird after that soccer game. While I was now the subject of many rumours, Reid had apparently copped a spray from Coach for losing his cool. As for the rumours, Kayley's death glare proved pretty effective in halting conversation so far.

"So," Reid said quietly. "The prodigal daughter returns home."

I frowned. "I wouldn't exactly call it that."

He took a swig of his water, nodding at me as if to say touché. As Jarred began to fill him in on recent venue clashes for the upcoming game, Reid settled back in his seat, arms crossed over his chest. He was built graceful and lean like most soccer players but his biceps strained over his white button-up shirt at the movement. I realised I was staring and looked away just as Bree sauntered over to plant herself in Tyler's lap, blowing kisses at her friends.

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