Chapter 20

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When I rang the doorbell, Chase Anderson himself answered.

"Lex?" He glanced behind me cautiously.

"You're a piece of shit," I jabbed at his chest violently. "I know you're blackmailing Lee Castellan and you're an asshole for it."

"What?" Surprise registered on his face but Chase looked up and down the street as if expecting someone to be recording this conversation behind the bushes. "Uh - we can talk inside."

I pushed past into his house which was surprisingly modest. I had been apprehensive when Dennis begrudgingly gave me the address and walking inside now, I wanted to keep an open mind.

I looked around, noticing a smashed beer bottle on the floor. "It smells like cigarettes."

"Keep your voice down," Chase mumbled back.

We walked into the kitchen where there was a stack of dishes in the sink. He stood on the other side of the counter as I looked around.

"Is anyone home?" I asked.


I walked over to the window, peeking out at the overgrown brambles outside. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Chase shift uncomfortably. There was obviously something going on here, but I didn't comment on it and decided to get straight to the point.

"What's going on?" I said finally.

"I should be asking you that," Chase replied with a short laugh.

I walked back to the bench. "Don't even try to bullshit your way out of this. Lee wouldn't do your bidding just because you asked nicely."

He raised his eyebrows, looking impressed. "So he sold it?"

"He's fifteen! Where are your morals?"

Chase rested his hands on the countertop, shrugging. "Look, Lee Castellan asked for a target on his back the moment he stepped into my school. But he's smart. He's helping me make some cash, that's all."

I scoffed. "Given your history with Reid?"

"Not everything is about Reid," Chase returned, an edge to his voice. When I stared back at him, suddenly unsure, his expression softened. "Alright. Have you met Lee? He's all tough like his brother but he has a heart of gold."

I shook my head, not quite understanding. "He wanted to... help?"

"He offered to."

I did a double-take.

Chase shrugged again, brushing over the revelation and went on. "You're right - he's a good kid. Maybe he felt bad because my Dad went to prison. Or maybe he just likes to kiss ass."

"He - what?"

He remained silent, waiting patiently for this information to click in my head. As I studied Chase, I noticed the fading bruises on his knuckles and the fresh one on his jaw that he had haphazardly covered with makeup. His expression was open, the kind of honesty that was unmistakable. And suddenly, I felt guilty for jumping to conclusions.

I shook off my embarrassment, knowing that there was still more to the story but also knowing that I was overstaying my welcome. "I'm sorry. I should go."

Chase gestured for me to see myself out.

My mind was reeling as I got back into my car and started the engine. Back on the road, I used voice recognition to text Dennis. Just as the message sent, a familiar gleaming black Porsche sidled up next to me on the highway. I couldn't see the driver but I instantly knew who it was.

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