Chapter 26

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On the night of New Year's Eve, I was hoping for a party and when my phone rang, I knew that my prayers had been answered.

It had been a week since we got back from New York and I'd spent most of the break studying or working. I had a weird feeling that everyone was being purposely distant - even Kayley, which was unusual - but told myself it was just that holidays were for family.

"Tyler?" I asked, picking up the phone.

"You're invited to my party!" There was a lot of background noise on his side of the line. "Oi - when's the DJ getting here?"

A faint reply; "He's on his way."

"Good." Tyler was huffing as he jogged up some stairs. "Lex, I don't want to sound desperate but...I am. My fans mean nothing if I don't have my day ones by my side. You know? Anyway, you're the only person that doesn't hate me right now. Oh hey - Jason, my man!"

I was flattered to know that Tyler thought of me as a "day one" but before I could reply, there was a crash, followed by some swearing and static before the line went dead. I sighed and tossed my phone aside, going to dig around in my wardrobe.

Half an hour later, I had found a black bodycon dress with diamante straps and I added some finishing touches to my makeup. It was relatively simple - neutral tones on my eyes and dramatic lashes, with a nude lip to match. Heading downstairs, I poked my head into the living room to say goodbye to my mom. To my surprise, we had a visitor.

Neither of them noticed me, with the TV on in the background and Mom showing Chris one of our old photo albums. After the accident, all the photos were taken down and put into a box in my brother's old bedroom. I had no idea that she would ever take them out again, much less show them to anyone else.

Smiling, I quietly slipped out the door.


"Lex, welcome!" Tyler dumped the ice bucket on the swing seat on the porch. "Tequila shots for days! It's a new year, my friend! New year, new me!"

As he barricaded into people and tripped over his own feet, I already regretted coming here. But still, I figured that it was better than spending New Year's alone.

I pushed through the sweaty dance floor, the electronic music gyrating in my eardrums. A boy from the football team spun me in his arms and I found myself accepting his offer to dance. I think his name was Nathan and his grip on my waist was too tight but his smile was harmless. As we moved closer together, his lips were suddenly at the base of my throat and I reeled back in shock. He chuckled, then winked and released me, disappearing back into the throng of people.

As I glanced around, I spotted someone familiar leaning against the wall with a pretty brunette trailing her acrylic claws down his chest.

Reid raised an eyebrow at something she said, humouring her. He laughed at her response and as he did, green eyes met mine so briefly I wondered if I imagined it.

Before I knew it, I was making my way over to him.

Reid leaned down, whispering something to the girl so that she giggled and then sashayed away. I saw her glance back to check if he was watching her go but Reid's keen eyes were still following me. The girl disappeared into the crowd and never returned.

"Hey," I said, trying not to be awkward. "Why aren't you dancing?"

He raised the solo cup at me in greeting, his gaze levelled. "Dancing? Is that what Nate Morales thought it was?"

"The football player?" I questioned with amusement. "I'm not sure."

"He's liked you since third grade, Lex."

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