Chapter 37

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As the names of the seniors were called out one by one, my classmates shook hands with Principal De Santos and received their diplomas. When it was my turn, I tried my best not to trip over my graduation gown as Mr Creed greeted me with a warm congratulations.

By the time it got to the speeches, Kayley was trying her hardest not to cry.

"I remember when you had chubby cheeks and refused to eat your sandwich crusts in preschool," she whispered. "Just... look at you now - graduating and shit."

I grinned back at her. "I still remember when Mr Wiggles had both his arms."

She smiled fondly. "My son better love that toy just as much as I did."

"Next, I would like to invite our 2019 valedictorian – Reid Castellan."

The stadium erupted and from further down the aisle, Reid took a deep breath, slipping past to climb the stairs. Tyler was beaming like a proud parent as Reid adjusted the microphone at the podium.

One thing about Reid that hadn't changed was the perfect, Colgate-commercial smile.

"First of all, I'd like to congratulate my good friend, Dennis Sinclair, on his incredible academic efforts this year - it should really be him here instead of me."

Reid pointed at Dennis who looked surprised and then embarrassed when people started cheering. As it eventually died down, Reid turned back to the audience. I remembered what he told me all those months ago at his family's charity gala event, about his anxiety in front of crowds as a child. I knew it wasn't something that would just go away on its own but he truly belonged on the big stage. He was made for it.

"Some of you might know of a guy I hated all through high school." Reid paused to allow the crowd to settle. "After the number of black eyes we gave each other, he came to me a few weeks ago and wanted to call it a truce. But I refused, because of my pride."

Chase, I realised belatedly. He was talking about Chase.

"When I was finally able to put that aside, we spoke before he left for good."

A murmur spread through the student body and back on stage, it felt like Reid looked directly at me for a split second before his gaze passed over. Tyler was the only person clapping enthusiastically as if Reid had just announced the cure for cancer.

"Luckily for me, it wasn't too late. And for the rest of you, today is the day to set everything aside because you can't afford to carry that burden for the rest of your life." The amount of conviction in his voice surprised me but Reid only straightened, flashing a final, dazzling smile. "That's one of the most important lessons Marshall Grammar had taught me. And for the class of 2019, I wish you all the best."

It was a simple speech with no script needed but Reid still received a standing ovation. Kayley was properly bawling now, Jarred trying to comfort her and Tyler at the same time. After thanking the teachers, sponsors and all other necessary formalities, Reid returned to his seat and not for the first time, I felt his electric gaze on me and I avoided it, not sure on what to say.

When the ceremony ended, I spotted my mom heading down the stairs with Chris, his wife and daughter. Kayley had slipped away to find her mother and the Castellan family were standing stonily off to the side.

"You did it, Lex." Mom's eyes were shining as she fixed the collar of my graduation gown. "I wish your father could see you right now. He would be so, so proud."

"Thanks, Mom," I said quietly. "I wish he was here too."

After hugging me tightly, Mom went to greet Mr Creed and I bent down so I was eye-level with my little cousin. Bella was small for a ten-year-old and she looked at me seriously, big blue eyes blinking before she ducked her head.

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