Chapter 27

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By the time Monday rolled around, Tyler was being targeted by Bree's group of faithful cheerleader friends. Just this week alone, it was the third time one of them had "accidentally" tipped their lunch all over his white shirt.

After school, Dennis offered to help me with Biology and hung around at the cafe to chat. I was glad that he wasn't the petty type, especially after Tyler's New Year's party. Speaking of which, my apparent "fling" with Reid was the talk of the town. I had received countless inappropriate questions regarding Reid's rumoured skills in the bedroom. It was all fun and games until I slammed my locker door shut in a rage only to see the Devil himself.

"Don't encourage them," I muttered as Reid sidled up beside me.

"Don't act like you're not loving the attention."

"Only conceited people like you enjoy attention."

"'There is only one thing in the world worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about.'" He gave me a charming smile, bumping our shoulders even though the corridor parted like Moses and the Red Sea around us. "Oscar Wilde."

I gave him a nasty look. "Find that on Pinterest, did you?"

"Who hasn't read The Picture of Dorian Gray?" The corner of his mouth curved upwards and I rolled my eyes. "What's put you in such a bad mood? After our little moment, I thought you would be keen for round two."

I tried not to flush with embarrassment at the mention of our kiss - which half the school had witnessed - and changed the subject hastily. "How's Kade?"

Reid knew exactly what I was doing but shrugged, adjusting the strap of his backpack. "The usual. He keeps to himself and we stay out of each other's way which-"

He broke off abruptly and I looked at him in surprise, his attention fixed on something - or rather, someone - over my shoulder. My surprise turned into alarm when he pushed past me, flinging open the front reception doors. From the other side of the glass, Valentina Castellan looked up in annoyance before her features softened at the sight of Reid. Behind her, Kade leaned against the wall with his arms crossed over his chest.

Even in her five-inch Balenciaga heels, Reid towered over his mother. "What's going on?"

Valentina shook her head, chestnut curls bouncing as she placed her hands on her hips. "Your brother decided to get himself suspended on the first day back from winter break."

Reid rolled his eyes, levelling a glare at Kade before turning and indicating for me follow as people started looking. Meeting Valentina's cold stare, I slipped inside the office and Reid let the glass door swing shut behind us.

Kade grinned. "I punched JT - you know, the big bully?"

Reid sighed, tired but he was smiling. "You took on Jake Taylor?"

"Knocked out his two front teeth."

"No fucking way."

"And I'd do it again."

"That's enough, boys." Valentina grabbed her red Hermes bag off the leather couches, dusting it off with a manicured hand. "Kade, I need a second opinion on the summer's collection and since you won't find yourself back here for another week, you can make yourself useful."

His face paled in horror. "But - Mom!"

"Get your things." Valentina gave him a warning look. Her green eyes flicked to me, smoothing the lace ruffles on her blouse in the window reflection. "Reid, go with him to make sure he doesn't get into another punch-on with a classmate. Lex will keep me company."

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