Chapter 35

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On prom night, Reid arrived on my doorstep ten minutes early.

As Mom left to give us some privacy, it felt like a real movie moment when I saw him, pausing at the top of the stairs. His dark hair was slicked back, dressed in a black tux and a gold tie to match my dress and he watched me descend with a dazzling, unexpected smile.

"You look great," Reid said simply. "The colour suits you."

Self-consciously, I looked down at my dress which was more dramatic than I was used to. It was floor-length, a smooth gold satin that hugged my bodice and slit at mid-thigh. My hair was arranged in loose curls over my left shoulder, held in place using gold pins.

"Thanks," I replied, a little breathlessly. "You, too."

He cleared his throat and then drew a clear box from his pocket, gesturing for my hand. His fingers were cool as he slipped the corsage of white roses onto my wrist, lingering and I was close enough to catch a whiff of his smoky cologne.

Reid's boutonniere was on the table behind me, along with an extravagant bouquet of red roses. As I stepped closer to secure it to his tux, our eyes met. There was a wicked glint in his, one that had been missing for too long and his attention strayed, travelling the length of my body. I found heat rushing to my face at the brazen admiration.

"Sorry," Reid smirked, not sorry at all.

I tried to stop myself from blushing, sliding the second pin over his lapel before backing away. "Well, don't look too surprised. I had to make an effort for my senior prom."

"Not for me?" He joked and then a worried look crossed his face, almost too quick for me to register. "Wait, you're not regretting this, right? It's just prom... that's all."

I laughed, shaking my head even though the sudden image of Reid and Natalia flashed through my mind. Even if he wasn't over her and I had no idea what this was between us, tonight was our prom. Luckily, I was saved from replying when footsteps sounded and my mom reappeared.

"A golden couple, if I've ever seen one!" She clasped her hands together and I could tell that she was trying not to get emotional. "Oh my, look at you two."

"Thanks, Mom." I blinked as she snapped a million pictures on her phone.

"We should get going." Reid smiled at my mom, all pearly whites and effortless charm. Having apparently warmed up to him, she smiled back. "I'll have her home before midnight."

"It's nice to see you, Reid. Have fun, guys."

I took Reid's offered hand, letting him lead me to the limo waiting in front of my house. He helped me inside, gathering my dress before following suit. As the car started and we pulled away from my house, Reid poured two glasses of champagne. He seemed more serious now and I could tell that there was a lot more than just prom on his mind.

"My parents are getting a divorce."

Taken aback, the champagne flute stilled in my hand. "What?"

"My mother has known about the affair for years." Reid shook his head, leaning forward so that his elbows rested on his knees. "But it was different this time - it was Savannah."

"Savannah?" I echoed stupidly. "Why?"

The question snapped him out of a reverie and he blinked. "I mean, surely you've heard about the speculation over her parentage."

"Yes, but-"

"You never paid much attention to it." Reid looked at me, almost approvingly. "My mother was eight months pregnant with me when my father brought Savannah home."

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