Chapter 16

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A/N: TW - for mention of anxiety. And for anyone interested, the Castellan Estate is loosely based on the Playa Vista Isle.


Inside the Castellan Estate, Reid guided me through the crowd of glittering champagne flutes, tuxedos and evening gowns.

The floors were grey marble, matching the columns inside the house with its gold detailing. First impressions, upon entering, was the glowering Castellan coat of arms carved into the mahogany railings of the staircase. Reid assured me that the grand foyer was indeed sculpted with real gold and the Austrian chandelier above us was more than a century old. On our way inside, we passed by a saltwater aquarium.

"The mayor and his wife talk a lot so we won't go near them." Reid inclined his head slightly to our right. "And those men heading our way - they're investors. Just follow my lead."

"Mr Castellan," said the taller one of the two with a heavy accent. "Always a pleasure."

"Gentlemen." Reid shook hands with both, before introducing me. "Thank you for coming tonight. This is Alexa Patterson."

I gave them my best smile but they only nodded back, their attention focused on Reid. As they chatted with him in earnest, my gaze wandered off. The reserved small talk, the clinking of champagne glasses and the gentle classical music playing in the background made it all feel like something out of a movie. I tried to relax, but my stomach was coiled tight.

Across the room, I noticed a woman with piercing green eyes.

She was tall, elegant and graceful, in a floor-length, sapphire Balenciaga dress. Her dark curls were pinned up carefully and her attention was on Reid, following his pleasant smile and the way he effortlessly drew people to him like moths to a flame. The look on her face was startling – a mixture of pride and fierce protectiveness.

This must be Valentina, Reid's mother.

"You make her uncomfortable," said a voice from behind me.

Reid stiffened but didn't sway from his conversation with the Russian investors. I turned to see a young man twirling a champagne flute in his hands. He had the familiar Castellan charm, all shrewd green eyes and bright teeth when he smiled.

"I'm James, Reid's big brother. You must be Alexa Patterson. I flew in from Buenos Aires just to see you."

I looked at him dubiously but he went on before I could even respond.

"You should be thanking me, you know."

I frowned. "I've only just met you."

James grinned, leaning in closer as if to share a secret. "I'm the big story tonight. If it weren't for me, reporters would be showing up at your front lawn tomorrow morning."

"They won't be," Reid interrupted, back at my side the moment his guests left. "You might not have noticed, James, but there are no reporters here tonight. This is a private event and that's why I invited Lex."

"He wouldn't know," said a new voice. "It's been years since he was last in the country."

Blair Castellan materialised out of thin air, placing a hand on James' arm to keep him in check. Her gaze moved between the brothers, warningly because suddenly it seemed like the three Castellan siblings had commanded the attention of the entire room.

"Blair!" James ignored the dig and slung an arm around his sister's shoulders. "Have you met Reid's new girlfriend? I already like her a lot better than Natalia."


I latched onto the name instantly, searching for Reid's reaction. But he only regarded James with an eerie calm, lacing his fingers with mine as he slapped his empty glass onto the tray of a passing waiter. The look in his eyes resembled something close to murderous intent.

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