Chapter 7

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"What's going on with you?"

Kayley looked at me, blinking in confusion as she ran a hand through her hair absently.

It's been a couple of days after Bree's party and I had been meaning to talk to her all throughout the week but held back. She was still her usual chipper self, but I knew Kayley better than anyone and she was distracted about something.

I closed my locker and we started down the hallway together. "You better start talking."

"It's just my mom," she muttered. "It's stupid."

Elena Brewer was nineteen when she got pregnant with Kayley. She had never really been a great parental figure and to date, her one-night-stand still didn't know he had an eighteen-year-old daughter. It had been the subject of many of their fights but their rocky relationship hit its peak three years ago when Elena chose to have an abortion. After losing the first real chance of having a family - a little sister - Kayley was devastated.

She sighed now, giving in. "Mom doesn't want me to go to UCLA."

Elena had always hated me so my opinion of her was a little biased but my irritation slipped out anyway. "She doesn't get to dictate your life."

"Right?" Kayley rolled her eyes and I could tell she was putting on a brave face. "Anyway, she's always going to LA for business trips so I don't see a problem."

"You know you're welcome to stay at my place if things get rough," I offered. "My mom won't mind - we've been fighting too - but if you ever need anything..."

She seemed surprised at this revelation but the look on my face told her I didn't want to talk about it. So Kayley simply nodded her gratitude and dropped the subject.

"Oh my God, look!"

"Wait – isn't that Demetrius Castellan?"

"Holy shit, he is terrifying."

I followed the direction of the commotion, to where the doors had just swung open.

Side by side, Reid and his father carried themselves with the same aloof yet superior manner. This man had eyes that were dark and soulless, mouth twisting as he said something to his son. I could tell it was condescending without even hearing the words but Reid only nodded. The resemblance between the two was unnerving, to say the least.

"What's he doing here?" I whispered to Kayley.

She shook her head, just as perplexed.

My attention turned to Reid, dressed in a navy blue sweater with the sleeves rolled up and dark wash jeans. His hair was slicked back today, not the usual tousled look as his careless gaze swept over the students. If he even noticed me, he didn't show it.

The crowd parted as Tyler, Dennis and Jarred emerged. I caught Tyler's eye as he passed but he looked away quickly, the slightest lift of his chin. Demetrius Castellan nodded to the boys, adjusted his tie and turned away. The double doors slammed shut behind the group.

At this point, I noticed one particular person standing out in the crowd.

He was a junior, with messy brown hair that curled at the ends and a pained look on his face, staring after the closed doors. He was clutching a book to his chest - The Picture of Dorian Gray - so tightly as if he was afraid he might punch something if he let go. When he scowled, there was the tiniest resemblance to his father and brother who hadn't even spared him a glance.

"Kade Castellan," I said out loud.

"What?" Kayley craned her neck and after a moment's thought, nodded. "Oh, right. I always forget there's another one at this school. But Kade is such a nice kid, honestly."

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