Chapter 15

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When I woke up, it took me a second to remember the events of last night.

Kayley stirred, rolling over and falling right off the bed and onto Bree who was sleeping soundly on the floor. Thankfully, the pillows softened her fall but Bree jerked awake and immediately, to my horror, looked as if she was going to start bawling all over again.

"Oh no," Kayley gasped, pulling her to her feet and they sat down on either side of me. "He's so not worth your tears, babe."

"It was all over social media." Bree ran her sleeve under her eyes to clean up some of the mascara streaks and my heart broke a little when I saw she was still wearing his Real Madrid hoodie. "Him and Leah. I was supposed to take my sisters trick-or-treating."

"Bree," said Kayley hesitantly and one look at her had me shaking my head furiously. Apparently now blind to my warnings, Kayley continued on. "Do you remember when you first met Tyler?"

She hiccuped, smiling faintly at the memory. "He asked to walk me to class. It was the second week of freshman year."

"And you told us that you could never say no to him."

"That was the first red flag," Bree laughed tearfully. "But nothing's changed, Kayley. I keep trying to make it work but he can't seem to stay faithful."

"Because you love him," I finished with a sigh. I squeezed her hand, hoping to offer some sort of comfort. "I know we're not as close as we used to be - the three of us. We don't mingle in the same crowd anymore but Kayley and I are here for you."

"I still think he's a piece of shit," Kayley added. "But she's right."

Bree burst into tears again and this time, it wasn't just over Tyler. A little alarmed, I froze and then realised that she was drawing Kayley and I into a hug, throwing her arms around our necks.

"You know what I admire most?" Bree mumbled into my shoulder. "You girls never let Marshall Grammar change you. I think it's too late for me."

We finally pulled away and it was Kayley who looked a little teary herself.

I grabbed some makeup wipes and handed them to Bree. "Not all change is bad."

"Thanks," she said quietly. "I wish I could look Tyler in the eyes and tell him it's over. But I can't I'm sorry for you girls because you know that I'm just going to run right back into his arms by the end of next week. I just never learn my lesson. He's always been my weakness."

Kayley chuckled. "In that case... we'll be here if you need another good cry."


By noon, Bree decided to go home while Kayley mentioned something about starting college applications. She had her heart set on fashion design at UCLA and most of my own applications had been sent off, including a few schools in Kayley's state.

Ten minutes after they left, the doorbell rang from downstairs.

I heard my mom moving around and there were muffled voices. Curiously, I slid across the floorboards in my socks and leaned over the railing to catch what they were saying.

"...can I help you, Reid?" Mom asked tersely.


"Good afternoon, Mrs Patterson." I recognised his voice instantly, a casual drawl as if it was normal for him to show up on my doorstep unannounced. "May I speak with Lex?"

I paused at the foot of the stairs, my eyes meeting Reid's over my mom's shoulder. She frowned, hesitating before she nodded at me. As she passed by on her way to her study, I could sense her discomfort but avoided her gaze, letting Reid's presence distract me effectively.

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