Chapter 16: Devon Hilt

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Chapter 16: Devon Hilt.

The next morning I woke up and got dressed. I brushed my frizzy tangled hair and put it up into a pony tail.

I didn't even think about putting makeup on.

I slipped on my socks and sneakers and headed out the door with my phone, my gun and my keys to the house.

My car was waiting for me outside I got in and started it.

Soon I was there and I parked and went inside.

"Hey, Aileen." John said walking to me.

"If you are here to tell me something that your friend Paul told you to say to me then I do NOT want to hear it. He is a major jerk and I'm gonna be mad at him forever." I said.

"Oh, well actually that wasn't what I wanted to say." He said looking at the floor.

"WELL, WHAT IS IT?!?!" I screamed.

His eyes got huge and he jumped backwards almost falling onto a desk.

"I'm sorry. What is it you wanted to say???" I asked him impatiently.

"Nothing." He said.

"Why do you always say that??? What's the problem will you please tell me what it is?" I asked him.

"Well I wanted to ask you what he said or did that could have possibly made you this mad." He said.

"Ask him." I said as I walked away.

"Ok, you have a nice day too Aileen." John said as he walked in the opposite direction.

I was gonna say something but when I turned around he was already gone.

I sighed and walked to Luna's desk and asked her what we were doing that day.

Well there was a young boy that went missing after church. His parents looked all over for him but he was no where to be found.

"Ok." I said turning around and walking back outside to the FBI vehicle.

I got in. In the very back away from where Paul usually sits.

"Hey, Aileen I wanted to tell you-" He started as he sat down in the back beside me.

"Paul please, just go away?" I begged.

He sighed and sat in front of me in the next row of seats.

John drove to the Hilt family's house and parked.

Mr. and Mrs. Hilt were on the porch looking worried and they had both been crying.

There eyes were puffy and red and they were holding hands.

"Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Hilt could I ask you some questions???" I asked.

I was almost positive I knew who took the poor little boy.

They nodded sadly and they were about to stand up.

"No, it's alright, when did you last see your son?" I asked them both.

"When church was about half way through. Then the other half he wasn't there." Mrs. Hilt explained.

"Ok, well why did your son leave in the middle of church??" I asked.

"He said he needed to use the bathroom." Mr. Hilt said.

"I see, how old was, I mean is your son?" I asked.

"9 he'll actually be 10 tomorrow." Mr. and Mrs. Hilt said wiping away there tears.

"Really??" I asked.

Anger built up inside of me but I kept a serious but calm look on my face.

How could he do this to these poor innocent children?

"Yeah, please find him?" Mrs. Hilt begged.

"He's our only son. PLEASE??" Mr. Hilt added.

I nodded.

"We'll try our best." I reassured them.

Would I be able to do it?

I didn't even know.

Was I even cut out for that job anymore? I always just seemed to let people down. Well not Paul....I never let Paul down....he saw me the same way every day. Even after what happened with Caleb he was still there for me.

I would have never told him but I needed him in my life.

Ever since Caleb died I needed someone like him in my life.

I was and still am in one piece because of him.

No....Aileen don't think like that...You're in one piece because of Caleb not Paul.

How could you think like that??

I needed someone to talk to. Mr. Hutterman.

I walked to his door and knocked.

"Come in!" He said happily.

"Hello, Mr. Hutterman. Could we talk?" I asked him.

"Sure." He said sitting down.

"Well first I wanted to apologize for the other night at dinner." I said.

"Oh, well actually I get that a lot. No problem. Anyway.........?"

I took a deep breath then another then I spoke.

"I invited Paul over for dinner because he helped me move and then he went to the bathroom he came out and I was listening to Hero by Enrique Iglesias, so he put his hand on my shoulder and danced with me to mine and Caleb's song. It felt wrong but in a way it didn't. Then...........he called Caleb a Ba****d for dumping me like trash. He said Caleb's dead and he's never coming back. Now I'm really mad at him but should I be????" I asked.

"Well.....Aileen I'm really sorry that Paul said that but this is a serious problem. You know one of those ones where you have to be very wise about which decision you make? I can't help you. Maybe talk to Paul." He said.

"NO! I'm not gonna talk to Paul. I can't. Not after what he said about Caleb." I admitted.

"Ok, well Aileen I got to tell you something. I think I might have been picking favorites here, some of the people here...not gonna say who, thinks I'm being nice to you because were friends and you get away with a lot of stuff." He said.

"Who said that and what do they mean?" I asked.

"Aileen, come on you know what I'm talking about. You yell at me or you ditch me when we go out to dinner. It's complete disrespect. I have been letting you walk all over me like a mat." He explained.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Hutterman." I said.

"It's ok, I mean it's not ok, I mean I don't forgive you, I do! I forgive you. Ugh just go away for now please?" He said as I stood up.

"Yes, sir." I said walking to the door.

There was a knock at the door.

"Come in!" Mr. Hutterman said quickly.

I stepped back and Paul opened the door.

"Hey, Mr. Hutterman I was just wondering if I could talk to you about something?" He said as he looked at me. He didn't look at Mr. Hutterman not even once.

"Hey, excuse me Paul, is she Mr. Hutterman? No, she's not. You are excused Aileen." He said as he beckoned Paul over with his finger.

Aaron's Revenge: The Aileen Riley Series Book 3 (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now