Chapter 19: A secret criminal inside FBI

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Chapter 19: A secret criminal inside FBI

I closed and locked the door and went back to bed.

When I woke up the next morning I got in the shower and put my make up on when I got out.

I slipped my shoes on and headed out the door with my 3 items I always brought with me, my gun, keys, and my phone.

I got in the car and drove to work.

When I got there it had started raining.

I got out and went to the front door.

I was about to go in but John came out.

"Hey, Aileen. Uh, you can't go in there." He said leaning against the door.

"Why?" I asked.

"There's someone in there that uh everyone doesn't want you to know is here." He explained.

"John please get out of my way?" I asked as I tried to butt through.

"No, I can't it's VERY important you don't go in there." He said.

"MOVE!!! Who's in there?" I asked starting to get angry.

"Nobody, you just can't go in there." He said.

"WHO SAYS????" I asked in a loud tone of voice.

"Mr. Hutterman now stop yelling." He said.

"Let me talk to Mr. Hutterman." I ordered.

"He's busy right now. Besides I said he said that you can't go in there." John explained.

"Is it....Aaron?" I asked.

He froze and didn't answer me.

"IS IT???" I asked surprised and angry at the same time.

He shook his head vigorously.

"John please don't lie to me? Who's in there?" I asked again.

He nodded his head.

"Yes, it's Aaron." He said.

"OMIGOSH!! How'd you catch him let me through I'm just gonna talk to him!" I yelled.

"Aileen you and I both know that's not what you're gonna do." He said.

I sighed and took a step back.

I charged towards him and pushed him out of the way. I opened the door a crack but John jumped behind me, grabbed me and pulled me away.

"NO!!! JOHN!!! PLEASE??? HE KILLED CALEB DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND???? LET GO OF ME!!! LET GO!!!" I yelled pulling away from him.

He stood in front of the door again.

"They'll have him in a different room in a few minutes. Just wait." He said.

His phone rang a few minutes later and he nodded at me that I could go in.

I pushed him and went inside.

"Good morning Aileen." Mr. Hutterman said.

"Where is he?" I asked as I crossed my arms.

"Who?" He asked looking puzzled.

"Mr. Hutterman you can drop the act, John told me he's here." I said.

Mr. Hutterman looked angry.

"John, can I talk to you for a second?" He asked.

"Yes, sir." John said as he followed Mr. Hutterman into his office.

I heard yelling and screaming all that stuff.

I looked around and saw Luna at her desk and Paul at his desk.

"Where is everybody?" I asked Paul.

"Eating downstairs." Paul replied.

"Why aren't you guys?" I asked Luna.

"We're here to watch you Aileen." They said.

"Watch me? I think I can take care of myself." I said glaring at them.

"Aileen please just leave it alone, he will be in so much trouble for all the trouble he's caused you." Luna said.

"Trouble? He's caused me so much more than trouble, what about unbearable pain, what about being lonely every second of my life? What about that?" I asked.

"That's what we meant." Luna said.

"Everything that there gonna do to him he will not get it as bad as I have. He blew up my husband!!! On purpose!!!!!" I said.

"Aileen...calm down ok?" Luna said.


"Aileen, please just stop it ok?" Paul said stern.

"I loved him I still do and he took all I loved and now he wants to take everything I have left of Caleb." I said.

I ran to the door that belonged to a room I was pretty sure Aaron was in.

Paul and Luna jumped up from there seats and grabbed onto my arms.

"No, Aileen!" Luna said.

"I have to kill him. I'm going to let go of me." I said.


Aaron's Revenge: The Aileen Riley Series Book 3 (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now