Aaron's Revenge: The Aileen Riley Series Book 3

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Aaron’s Revenge

Chapter 1. Almost four years later………


“Where’s my husband Caleb??” I asked.

“We’ll figure all this out as soon as possible ok sweetie? Just make sure you relax. You are bleeding severely and might bleed to death so you have to stay very calm and stay lying down.” The woman said.

“Ok.” I replied.


Almost four years later.

 It was seven in the morning and I woke up in tears from a nightmare I had about Caleb dying. I remembered that he would comfort me when I was scared and he would kiss me so soft and sweet. His hugs always made me feel better. His jokes always made me laugh, even if I wasn’t in the mood to laugh. He always made me feel safe.

I laid there in bed and had my hand on Caleb’s side of the bed as I cried.

 I missed him a lot. I know he’s in a better place though even if it did hurt so much to be there when he died, and be here now without him.

 I got up and walked to the dresser to grab my work clothes.

 I’m an FBI agent now.

It’s hard being an FBI agent because it just for some reason makes me think of Caleb more.

 I walked to the closet and grabbed my high heels.

 I put my clothes on and after continued to get ready. After brushing my teeth and hair I headed out the door.

 I walked down the long staircase to the car. (Caleb’s car.) I was thinking of getting rid of Caleb’s car and getting a different one but it’s just too hard.

 Caleb’s car is the only thing that still smells like him.

 I opened the car door and sat in the front seat.

I couldn’t drive the car because there were lots of things wrong with it from being right by the house when it exploded, but what I could and did do every single morning was sit in it and just let all my emotions out in that car.

 I stepped out wiping my tears away and I called a cab.

 The cab stopped right outside the apartment and I got in.

 “Where will you be going today miss?” The old man asked.

 I told him the address and he stopped where I said. I paid him and then stepped out of the car.

 I walked inside the building.

 “Hi.” I said to a group of people by the door not even pretending to be happy.

 They all put there hands up and waved a slow lazy wave.

 “Hello, Mr. Hutterman!” I said to my boss with a fake smile.

 “Hello Aileen, how are you today?” He asked.

 “Hanging in there how bout you?” I replied.

 “Oh, very jolly actually I’m heading downstairs to the cafeteria for a doughnut care to join me?” He asked rubbing his small belly.

 “No thank you. Mr. Hutterman I should get to work.” I replied.

 “Well…..alright. SEE THIS IS WHY I GAVE HER A RAISE!!! SHE GAVE UP A DOUGHNUT TO GO WORK!!!!! If you ever need anyone to talk to I’ll always be here ok?” He asked raising his bushy eyebrows.

“Ok, thank you Mr. Hutterman.” I replied as he walked away to the cafeteria.

 If I ever needed someone to talk to he really was there. Always. Actually Mr. Hutterman and I became really close. No, not like how you think. Like friends. I think he did and still does like me in that way, but he never tried to do anything about it. I said I just like him as a friend and that was all and he respected that and never pressured me into anything.

 That’s what I hated about my old boss he always tried to get me to go on dates with him, and he always said I was very pretty.

 Even If I wasn’t married when my old boss wanted me to go out with him and hang out I wouldn’t have. He never did anything to me either he was just too pushy to ever like in that way, and the main reason I had a husband. Caleb.

 Some people just never care about that I guess.

 “What do we have to work on today??” I asked Luna.

 “A little 3 year old girl mysteriously died last night. Nobody knows how she’s a normal healthy child and there’s no reason for her to have died out of the blue like that.” Luna said.

 “Alright let’s check it out.” I said as a big group of people followed me to the FBI vehicle. 

I sat in the back seat while one of my coworkers drove.

I saw that Vick was wearing the same shoes that Caleb used to wear then I started to cry.

 “What’s wrong Aileen? Are you ok?” Donna asked concerned.

 “No.” I choked out between sobs.

 “Aww. Caleb??” She asked.

 Then the sound of his name made my heart fall into my stomach and I started crying harder.

 “I’m sorry I won’t say his name.” She said hugging me.

 “Do you want to take the day off?” Paul asked me.

 I shook my head then viciously wiped away the tears off of my face.

 “No, you guys need my help I’ll stay.’ I said sniffling.

 “Are you sure?” Paul asked.

 “Yeah, I’m fine.” I said.

Paul was about to ask again just to make sure but he closed his mouth and turned back around in his seat.

Aaron's Revenge: The Aileen Riley Series Book 3 (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now