Find Your Happiness

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It was silent the whole time, the sound of the music only filled the awkward void in the car while Eric tapped his fingers against the stirring wheel to the music and hummed along quietly. Nessa sighed, looking over at him. 

"What do I do about my car?" She asked, fixing her glance on the scenery that passed by her. 

"Call a tow truck and they'll pick it up in the morning." Eric answered. 

Nessa nodded, feeling her eyes slowly fall shut. It was only 9 o'clock at night but she was extremely exhausted, the past couple of nights she wasn't able to sleep at all. There were too many things on her mind and usually at night was when all those thoughts would come rushing in, one moment she would be wondering why the sky was blue the next would a deep life question about what is life? But the most frequent question that was more mind boggling than any of her thoughts was did she have feelings for Eric? 

Nessa didn't know how long she was asleep for but when she woke up she wasn't home. Her eyes analyzed the setting and she was at a hospital without Eric, she was alone in his car. She glanced at the clock and saw that it was 9:37 o'clock, a loud groan left her lips as she began to stretch. 

"Where is he?" Nessa wondered, she opened the car door and got a better look of the hospital. It was Greendale Hospital, this is where his mother is. She chewed on her bottom lip, trying to fight her desire to see if he was okay. Finally she decided to go inside, bright lights shone in her face which she wasn't ready for since she just woke up. 

"Hello, I'm looking for..." Nessa bite down on her bottom lip, trying to remember her name. She's met her a couple of times but that was 3 years ago. "Debbie Hamilton." 

The receptionist gave her a forced smile. "Are you a friend?" 

Nessa nodded. 

"Alright, room 67."

"Thank you." She moved quickly to the elevator, running her hand through her hair nervously. Once she got to the floor, her nerves heighten. Nessa felt horrible for planning to bud in such an intimate moment that Eric was probably having with his mother. With a loud sigh, she moved to room 67 and peeked to only find a fragile woman laying in bed, a small smile on her face as she watched Family Feud on the small tv in front of her. 

"You can come in, darling." Debbie told Nessa in a soft voice, her eyes met with Nessa's. 

"I'm so sorry." Nessa blushed, feeling embarrassed and a bit creepy for peeking. She stood straight at the doorway, her hands fiddling nervously. 

Debbie tried to slowly sit up, pain written all over her face as she breathed loudly. 

Nessa quickly ran to her bed side, helping her sit up. "Are you comfortable?" She asked, keeping her one hand on her back and another holding her bony hand. 

"Just move the pillow behind my back please." She answered gently, moving up a bit so Nessa could grab it. Once she moved, a look of comfort formed on her face but she was out of breath. "Much better. Thank you, sweetie." 

Nessa removed her hands from her weak body and nervously smiled at her. "I'm Nessa by the way." 

"I know you already." She smiled. "My son talks about you all the time." 

Suddenly she felt her cheeks burn red, realizing seconds after that Eric probably talked about how much he hated her. "I'm guessing bad things?" She asked, laughing lightly. 

"Most of the time but recently it's been good things." 

"Oh." Nessa pushed a strand of hair behind her ear. 

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