Returned Favor

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Once Lara pulled up to Nessa's apartment she cocked an eyebrow. "Eric?" She questioned as she parked the car and got out.

"What are you doing here?" She asked.

Eric was dressed in sweats and a sweatshirt ready to go back to sleep any time now, he was leaned up against the apartment brick wall and pushed himself off once Lara walked up to him.

"Where's the drunk doofus?" He sighed as he made his way towards her car.

Lara smirked. "The knight and shining amour has come again to save the damsel in distress." She followed behind him.

He rolled his eyes. "Do you want to carry her up to her apartment then?"

"No thank you. She's all yours."

"Do not tell a soul about this good deed, alright?" He told Lara who still had a teasing smirk on her face.

She nodded and crossed her arms over her chest, watching him.

Eric opened the car door and frowned as she looked at Nessa who was in a deep sleep, he sighed as he bent down and picked her up bridal style but accidentally made her bump her head on the car door as he took her out.

She immediately woke up and nursed her head with a pout on her face. "Ouch."

"Your head is so big that's why." He told her while he walked back to the apartment.

"Bye Eric." Lara waved and got back into her car. "Take care of her and tell her that I took the car home."

He nodded and opened the door to the apartment building.


"Nes, you got to stop moving around." He tried carrying her properly down the hall but she wouldn't stop moving around. "Or I'm going to drop you."

She frowned and stopped moving, snuggling into his shoulder as she held tighter onto him.

He blushed as she did this but tried to distract himself as he took the apartment keys from Nessa's purse and opened the door. He moved to her bedroom and gently placed her down, going back to the apartment door so he close it when Nessa grabbed onto his hand.

"Don't go." She begged quietly. 

"I'm just going to close the door." He moved away from her grip and quickly walked back to the door and closed it, standing there for a bit and wondering how he decided to be here in the first place.

"Eric." Nessa called silently.

He sighed and walked back but stopped in his tracks when he saw Nessa taking her shirt off.

"What are you doing?" He questioned and quickly walked towards her as he tried to put her shirt back on.

"I took it off for a reason, Eric." She then began to unzip her pants.

His eyes widen. "Nessa, I'm serious. Stop it."

"Just shut up and get me pajamas." She ordered him as she continued to take off her jeans.

He followed her demand right away and walked towards the closest, taking out pajamas that would cover her as much as possible. He tossed it over his shoulder and waited for Nessa to be clothed again.

"What are you doing?" She asked him as she hiccuped and giggled.

"I'm waiting until you're done changing." He closed his eyes shut and waited some more when he felt a body behind him.

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