Time Flies by Fast

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Lillian has been pregnant for 2 months and the wedding is 3 months away, for the past couple of weeks it's been hectic surrounded by anything related to weddings. Nessa and Eric were sick of it. 

"Where is he?!" Lillain groaned as she laid on the couch.

Nessa and Lillian were waiting for Will, they were going to do their wedding favors. Since they both could sing extremely well they decided to make a CD for a favor, Nessa thought it was a brilliant idea and couldn't be more excited. 

"I'm sure he's on his way." Nessa reassured, looking at her phone nervously hoping that Will was on his way. 

Lillian's hands flew to her boobs as she began to squeeze them. "My boobs are getting huge." 

Nessa cocked an eyebrow as she watched Lillian squeeze her boobs. 

"Feel them." She reached for Nessa's hand and yanked it towards her chest. 

"Lil! I don't want to touch your breasts!" Nessa shouted, trying to take her hand back but it was too late since it was already rested on her boobs. 

"Right! They feel bigger!" 

"They actually do." 

Suddenly a pair of keys made a loud sound as it hit the floor making Lillian and Nessa look over, their gaze met with wide eyes and dropped jaws. It was Eric and Will. 

Nessa quickly removed her hand from Lillian's chest, an awkward cough leaving her lips. 

"My boobs are getting huge and I just wanted Nes to feel them." Lillian explained nonchalantly, walking over to Will who had packed a lunch for her. "Thanks for the food." She smiled, kissing his cheek quickly then walking to the kitchen. 

They continued to gape at Nessa. 

"Okay guys, this is getting awkward." She squeaked uncomfortably, moving off the couch. Nessa rolled her eyes and walked into her bedroom to avoid the awkward atmosphere. She opened her closest and took out the recording mic that Will and Lillian would need, walking back out into the living room placing it on the coffee table. 

"Hey loser." Eric smiled, walking over to Nessa as he threw his arm over her shoulder. 

She laughed and rolled her eyes, shrugging off his arm. The night after the beach, they were back to normal before. Bickering was all they did besides having moments that questioned what they felt for each other, but as that happened more bickering and insults left their mouths. They were trying their best to leave it at hate and nothing else.

"Did you finalize the order for the-" 

"Done." He interrupted, sitting back on the couch. 

"How about the-" 


Nessa squinted her eyes at him. "You can plan the wedding by yourself with the rate you're going." 

"Nawh, I need you." He muttered, getting up. 

She quickly looked at him and felt her cheeks burn. "What?"

"What?" He looked up at her. "Oh nothing." 

Will rolled his eyes as he watched them, knowing that the truth was going to come out soon.

Lillian walked back into the living room and smiled, her hand gently rubbing her baby bump. She moved over to Will and stared up at him, a look of pure happiness. 

Nessa smiled as she watched them, wishing that she could someday find a love like that. 

Eric looked over at Nessa and saw her smile as she watched Will and Lillian. He chuckled and let his head fall, knowing that he couldn't help but feel joy when he saw her happy. 

Suddenly, Eric felt his phone ringing. He looked down as he took his phone out of his pocket, quickly moving to the washroom as he read the caller ID, it was the hospital calling. 

"Hello." He answered. 

"Hi Mr. Hamilton, we would just like to remind that your mother is having the bone marrow transplant tomorrow morning." A cheery voice said. 

Eric cocked an eyebrow. "Excuse me?" 

"We found a donor for your mother." She clarified slowly. 

His eyes suddenly began to fill with water as he realized that his mother was going to be okay but he was confused at the same time. "Wait what, why wasn't I informed of this earlier?" He croaked. 

"Sorry Mr. Hamilton, we thought we called to inform you a couple of weeks ago." 

"It's okay. Who is the donor by the way?"

"Just a second, sir." He could hear the clicking of the keyboard in the background. "Nessa Young." 

He was taken by disbelief as he heard her name. "Wait who?" He asked, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. 

"Nessa Young." She repeated. 

He shook his head in disbelief. "Alright, thank you."

"We will see you tomorrow, Mr. Hamilton." 

And with that he ended the call, pacing back and forth. A sudden rush of happiness made his eyes water and he knew that his mother wouldn't be leaving him. He rubbed his eyes and shook his head at thought of Nessa entering his mind. Eric walked out of the washroom and glanced over at Nessa who was setting up the recording mic for Lillian and Will.     

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