Big Day Part 1

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Nessa sat up, it was 9 in the morning and for a second she was confused as to why she was up so early but then she remembered. Today is the day. She jumped out of bed and beamed brightly as she wrapped a robe around her body, walking towards her bathroom to shower so she could head to Lillian's house.

After minutes of quickly getting ready she drove recklessly to Lillian's house bringing everything she was supposed to bring, almost forgetting her dress.

"Lillian Jaime Hall!" Nessa shouted as she entered the house that was filled with music and laughing. The girls were probably already there.

Lillian came down the stairs in a silky robe with a huge smile on her face. "Hey babe." She greeted.

"How are you doing?" She asked, setting everything down so she could embrace the nervous bride.

"Nervous but excited." Lillian hugged her tightly. "I'm so happy that you're my best friend."

Nessa laughed quietly and cocked an eyebrow as she pulled away from Lillian to look at her face, her eyes were watery as she looked back at her.

"Why are you crying?" Nessa smiled.

"I don't know!" Lillian frowned and turned around to walk up the stairs. "Come on, we got to get ready."


Lillian was in her chair getting her makeup done while the girls were touching up theirs, it was already 11 and they had to be at the church at 12 so everyone was a little hectic and nervous as the time was ticking down.

"Could you help zip this up?" Lara shouted from the bathroom.

Rose quickly came to her aid with her dress not even zipped up either.

Tiana followed after her and zipped up Rose's dress while Nessa was still making some last minute calls with the bouquets, still wearing a robe.

"Honey, I'll talk to them. You should get ready." Lillian's mother smiled down at Nessa, already having her hand out to take the phone. She was already in her dress and although she was older Lillian's mother was gorgeous and could probably pull of being her older sister.

Nessa nodded and smiled at her. "Thank you so much." She quickly got up and walked towards her dress that was hung up on the closet door. She picked it up and walked towards the washroom downstairs.

As Nessa stood in front of the bathroom mirror, she smiled at how she looked. Her hair was curled and put up into a low bun with wavy strands of hair that framed her face while her make up was subtle but natural excluding the false eyelashes Lara demanded her to put on. Once she got the dress on, she twirled admiring how much of a princess she felt.

"Nessa!" Lillian called from upstairs.

Her eyes grew large as she ran up the stairs with a little bit of struggle since she had to pick up the dress so she wouldn't fall on her face.

"Yes?" She breathed once she met the doorway

"Where were you?" Lillian questioned, turning around a bit.

Nessa entered the room and picked up a bit of clutter. "Just downstairs."

"You look beautiful." Her best friend commented, her eyes starting to water.

"Don't you dare cry! You're going to mess up your make up."

Lillian took a deep breath in and nodded. "I can't wait until Eric sees you."

Nessa rolled her eyes and walked into the bathroom where the girls were taking mirror selfies which made Nessa roll her eyes even more.

"You are all ridiculous." She stated.

Suddenly Rose yanked on her arm so she could join their picture, capturing a photo that probably had Nessa with a face of disgust while the rest of the girls looked flawless as always with their cheeky smiles.


"Does my tie look okay?" Will asked as he looked into the mirror, nerves rushing through his body.

Eric nodded as he put his jacket on. "Just relax, Will."

"I'm getting married today, Eric."

"Yes I know, I'm the best man."

"Alright, prince charming. No time for your sarcasm." Thomas rolled his eyes as he over heard their conversation, he was checking himself out in the mirror.

Eric rolled his eyes and straighten himself. "I know you're nervous but once you see Lil walking down that aisle looking gorgeous as she usually is, your nerves will all go away and you're going to forget that anyone else is there."

All the guys looked over at him with raised eyebrows, Eric wasn't the one to be cheesy.

"What happened to you?" Will questioned, a teasing smile on his face.

Eli began wiggling his eyebrows. "It's all Nessa."

Eric frowned. "No."

Thomas laughed loudly as if Eric was telling a really funny joke, the guys moved their gazes over to him and looked at him weirdly.

 He stopped once he felt their stares and shrugged. "It was a great joke."

The guys chuckled and began doing their own things.

"We should get going." Oliver announced, looking at his fancy watch.

Will nodded and began frantically walking around, looking for something.

"If you're looking for your sappy love letter to Lillian." He took out a letter from his jacket and waved it in the air. "I have it." Eric told him like he read his best friend's mind.

He nodded and let out a sigh of relief. "Let's go."



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