How You Met Your Best Friend

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(These are based off of your favorite diva, friendship only)

Nikki Bella: She was there for you in the locker room after you and your boyfreind had a fight.

Brie Bella: She was at the bar with you and you guys got a little drunk and ended up getting really drunk. BRIE MODE.

Paige: Your first match was against her. If was a fair match that she won. She felt really bad about it and apologized after, you guys actually became friends after.

Naomi: You had to tag team with her. You both had won and decided to celebrate after.

Tamina: It was your first day and she showed you where the locker room was. She even helped you with your stuff.

Alicia Fox: You guys met while all the divas wre hanging out. You guys found that a lot of the same things were funny.

Eva Marie: She was in the locker room doing her make up and y you were giving her tips, next time you did your make up she gave you some, too. You guys always laugh about it.

Natalya: She offered to help you train. You took her offer and you guys hung out a lot after that.

Sasha Banks: You guys both have the same attitude, when ever the divas were fighting, you guys always were on the same side, which was your side.

Becky Lynch: You and her are suppose to be fueding, but it actually made you guys really close out of wrestling, now it's hard to keep a straight face in ring.

Charlotte: You met in NXT on your first day. She helped you out and you ended up going against her later.

Bayley: You guys met at the gym where you both were training and practicing moves on each other.

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