Getting Drunk Together (Superstars)

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Dean Ambrose: You guys dare each other to do random things to people, like, going on the roof of the hotel, some how, and throwing water balloons at people (in the winter, it's more fun).

Seth Rollins: When you guys get really wasted, it's mostly at a bar with loud music and dancing, plus, a lot of sloppy kisses just for fun.

Roman Reigns: You guys always party with people from work and get drunk. You rarely go to bars though. Alcohol is just a pass time for both of you.

Randy Orton: You guys both love alcohol, so, it'd be really weird to not see you two in a bar every Friday and Saturday night. You guys are just hilarious.

John Cena: He's more of a mature drunk, so, you guys only drink wine or champagne. You guys will have a couple drinks, but not too much.

Dolph Ziggler: You're party animals!!! You guys love wildly dancing and just doing random stuff while you're drunk.

Ryback: He doesn't like to drink, he thinks it'll ruin his body, bu if you want to drink then he'll have a couple beers with you.

King Barrett: You guys usually go out with a couple friends and have a good time just talking and having fun.

Sheamus: He thinks you're really cute when you're drunk and you find him funny. You guys always have a good time when y you're out at the bar or partying somewhere.

Justin Gabriel: You don't like to drink much, but he does so you guys will have a small arguement about if you guys will get drunk or not.

Brock Lesnar: You think it's embarassing drinking with him because you always end up doing something that you'll regret.

Cody Rhodes / Stardust: He's really funny when he's drunk, he has all these different personalities, that's why it's hilarious when you guys drink.

Finn Balor: You both don't drink often, but when you do, you always end up waking up on the floor not remembering anything that happened the night before.

Sami Zayn: He's a really big drinker and you guys will go out for beers all the time and just have a great time.

Solomon Crowe: He's always up for drinks, you guys would take shots all the time and get really drunk until you're ready to pass out and you always wake up hung over.

Do you want me to add anybody?


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