The Plan

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Conner's POV:

"Earth to Conner!" My best friend Isaac snaps his fingers in front of my face waking me out of my thoughts.
"What is up with you man? You are not okay." He looked at me with concerned on his face.
"It's Kelly." I reply.
"Oh. You're roommate. How is she?" He shrugs. I hadn't told anyone what's been going on but I need to tell someone or I'm gonna go crazy.
"I think she's in trouble." I sigh, letting it all come out.
"What do you mean?" Isaac sat up, listening and alert.
"Well, about a week ago she came back all messed up. Her hair was all messy, her face was wet like she had been crying. Then I noticed her jeans were open, and she was all 'wet'. But she didn't respond when I asked her if she was okay. She just stared at me blankly. She's like a robot now. She just gets up, gets ready, goes to class, and then comes back and stares at the wall emotionless. Then it just starts all over the next day."
"That's really odd." His brow furrowed as he thought about it.
"Yeah. That's what I thought. And every now and then her boyfriend-"
"She has a boyfriend?!" He interrupted.
"Yeah. Ex-military. But anyways, he-"
"Ex- military?!? You need to stay out of this one dude!" He cautioned interrupting me again.
"Just listen!" I sighed. "Anyways, every now and then he comes by on these surprise visits, and just takes her away for an hour or two. Then she comes back the same way she did the first night."
"What the hell?!" Isaac's eyes grew wide.
"I think he's sexually abusing her." I tell him, whispering so no one can hear us.
"Holy shit!"
"Yeah. I know." I look around and continue. "But I don't know if that's what's really going on cause she won't talk to me. She hasn't spoken a single word to me or anyone this whole week. And when I try to talk to her she just stares at me with this blank expression like I'm speaking another language." Isaac was now silent just staring at me with wide eyes not knowing what to say anymore.
"I'm worried about her. She won't eat, she's not sleeping, and every time I touch her she jumps like a mile away from me like Im a zombie or something."
"Damn. I think she is being abused. Sexually I mean... maybe even physiquely... and mentally!" He is such a drama queen sometimes. But maybe- I don't want to think about that.
"Anyways, I just feel so helpless."
"... You really like her don't you? You genuinely like like her." he concluded.
"Dude! Really? I am I player and I always will be!" It was a lie. I used to be a player. But Kelly made me want to be a better person. For her. But for now I still gotta keep my reputation intact.
"Whatever man." He laughed. We got up from the lunch table and starting walking. "I guess they do say love is blind.." He mumbled, and I punched him in the arm.
"Hey! What was that for?!" He cried.
"I don't know... Whatever you said!" I know it was about me.
"You didn't even hear what I said, did you?" He smirked.
"All I heard was... love!" I grumbled, and he laughed at me. Isaac suddenly got seriously quiet.
"I thought of a way you can help her..." He offered.
"Yeah? What's the plan?" I asked quickly.
"Simple. Follow them the next time they leave and if you see any abusive behavior... stop it. Well, you should probably all the cops first. Then stop it. That way if he tries to kill you, you only have to try to stay alive for about 4 to 5 minutes." He said seriously, but I had to laugh at his logic.
"What?" He blushed. "Bad plan?"
"No! The plan is perfect." I smiled patting him on the back. His phone rang and he had to go so we said bye and I walked back to my dorm room.
I walked in and found Kelly staring at the wall like she usually is this time of day.
"Hey sexy!" I smiled trying to get her to roll her eyes, anything. I had been trying to get any kind of emotion out of her but the only time she ever showed the slightest hint of emotion is when I mention Jason's name. Her face changes for a split second then returns to an emotionless void.
"I brought you some waffles." I said setting down the bag by her bed. She just kept staring at the wall.
"If you don't eat them I'll strip tease you." I smirked at thought of finally getting a reaction out of her all because of a strip tease.
"Fine then. Here goes my shirt!" I took my shirt off and threw it on her face. She stayed there for a few moments before sitting up and facing me with my shirt still covering her whole head. She pulled it of slowly and she finally had an emotion in her face. It worked! She stood up and chucked my shirt at me with hatred in her eyes. Not exactly the emotion I wanted.. But I'll take anything at this point. She stood there and the blank expression returned. Damn it. Then I thought of the greatest idea to 'wake her up'. Why didn't I think of this before. I walked over to her and tucked her hair behind her ear. She flinched when I ran my hand along her cheek. Then I leaned in and kissed her gently on the lips. I wasn't sure if she was just standing there like a stiff until I felt her lips move and kiss me back. I pulled away after a moment and looked into her beautiful blue eyes. She was smiling.
"Let's go!" Jason shouted waking in at that moment. He gave me look but didn't say anything. I don't think he saw what had just happened. Thank God.
"Why are you standing so close to her?" He frowned. "And shirtless?" He added with a growl.
"Oh. I was just-"
"Never mind! I don't care." He snapped.
"Let's go!" He growled again, grabbing her arm and pulling her out the door. Usually she just went with him looking at the ground, but this time our eyes met and they pleaded with mine to help her. Then she disappeared, and I was alone.
How the hell am I gonna do this?

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