Chapter 3

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I ran through my available options as I got ready for whatever creature was about to face me.

I could run back or get information by attacking or co-operating. I made up my mind fast as the female turned.

She was blonde, her hair packed in a tight bun. She had a straight look, a 'no matter how bad you think you are, I am worse' look, and her startling grey eyes did not help matters nor did her slim lips pressed tightly together. She was in a black leather jumpsuit that hugged her body, showing her perfect figure. She held a whip in her left hand and that snapped me back to the problem at hand.

"Who are you?" I asked.

She eyed me and scoffed. "Hmm. Not that pretty."

"Excuse me?" I was furious. Who was she to say I wasn't pretty. I was certainly rocking the red dress even though I was barefoot.

"Follow me." she said and turned to leave. 

"Who are you?" I asked again.

She turned back to me and stared at me as though considering whether to answer. I felt a kind of pull or connection to her that freaked me out.

"You took my blood," she said as though reading my mind. "That's why you feel drawn to me."

"Where am I?" I asked, ignoring her.

She rolled her eyes, her patience was running out.

"What's wrong with my powers?" I continued. "Where are you taking me to?"

She put her right hand on her head and shook her head slowly.

"Why was I kidnapped?!" I yelled. "Where's Carter?!"

At that, she snapped her head up and sent me a menacing look. Her eyes turned bloodshot, her ears morphed into a wolf's and her nose became snout-like.

"Save all questions for later, Vlacas." she spoke in a voice that seemed so ancient it was almost hard to believe it was hers. I knew a little Greek so my face hardened at 'vlacas'.

"Let's go. Now." She ordered.

"Anto gamisou." I swore.

Her eyes widened in shock as she realized I knew Greek. The look of shock was soon replaced by anger. Her jaw clenched, her grip tightened on the whip and I saw the attack before it happened.

She launched at me, ready to pounce and I side-stepped easily. She shot me a filthy look and raised her whip to hit me.

Too easy I thought.

I caught it in mid-air, twisted it around my hand and used it to pull her to me. As she got closer, I spun her and pulled the whip around her neck. She let it go and I grabbed the other end making it tighter. She started to choke as I was slowly strangling her.

"Answer my questions." I demanded.

She spat on the floor and I took that to mean she wasn't going to break. I tied the whip in a loose knot and slowly began to pull. Two other wolf-faced women in blue and red leather jumpsuits respectively came in just as I ended her torture.

Lucky her.

I turned to face her sisters, friends or whoever they were. I didn't really care. They were brunettes and really pissed. They both had whips too. They kept staring at me with black eyes as though trying to disintegrate me.

"You killed our sisssster." one of them hissed with a forked tongue.

"Yesss. You have to pay." said the other.

Great. Just great. I was to fight against two creatures with no weapons and powers.

The bitch in blue charged towards me with a blood lust look in her eyes. I jumped from one bookshelf to another and kept narrowly escaping the fork tongued animal. She hissed at her failed attempt and kicked the bookshelf I was currently standing on. I fell flat on my back. She raised her whip, about to strike just as I grabbed a book and threw it in her face. She shrieked and backed away. I got up, and tried to prepare myself for another attack. The demon-like creature in red ran to me and slammed me against a wall. She planted a kiss on my forehead and stood to watch me with an evil smile plastered on her face. I felt paralyzed. I couldn't move.

"You destroyed our only normal sissster," she hissed. "Now I will dessstroy you."

Then it occurred to me what they were. Basically half wolf and half snake? Maybe? Experiments gone wrong perhaps. I groaned as I felt intense pain from my head trailing down.

"Ssstop!" the female in blue yelled. "He wantss the girl alive."

The hybrid in front of me frowned which was not a sight you would want to see. She touched my forehead, making the pain subside and instantly held my hands back. I struggled in vain then steadied myself.

"Who wants me?" I asked.

"Shut up." said the one in blue.

"What now, Cara?" asked the hybrid holding me.

"How ssstupid could you be Nina. We have to take her to him." replied Cara.

"Oh." said Nina making Cara roll her eyes.

I twisted my hands free and kicked the hybrid who was holding me, Nina, hard. I sent her flying through book shelves. Cara attacked me, but I jumped over her, landed on Nina and broke her neck. I felt a hard hit on my head and it started to feel moist. I turned around to see Cara holding a chair, pissed, baring her pointed teeth at me.

I placed my hands on my head, sure enough, I was bleeding. I lurched at her but she was quick. She hit me with her whip, the effect was instant. I felt pain surge through my whole body and fell to the ground. She walked towards me and punched me. For the second time, and hopefully the last, I blacked out.

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