Chapter 5

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I had no idea how long I stayed there staring at him but, I had a feeling it was a long while and I still couldn't believe I heard him right. My blood was boiling in my veins, and my head was ringing with the word 'marriage'.

I was seventeen.

I was a vampire.

I was the vampire princess.

I couldn't get married to some were-barf. The fact that I hadn't ripped their heads off was due to the fact that I had no powers.

No way... I must have heard him wrong.

Asher roared with laughter. "Hilarious! You got me dad!"

His father simply stared at him like he had grown a second head.

"Look, I don't know the sick, twisted game you're trying to play, but I've got to go now." I said finding my voice and trying my luck.

"Oh dear princess, you're not going anywhere." He replied, smiling.


"I don't know what you think will happen but I will never get married to your son. I would rather die." I spat.

"I would rather kill her." Asher said and I shot him a cold look which he returned.


"Why would you want me with her?" Asher asked.

"Oh leave my reasons to me. The ceremony shall take place tomorrow night." King Tarius replied.

"What?!" Asher and I yelled in unison.

"Oh you guys are perfect for each other." The King simply said, his blue eyes twinkling. I was sure of one thing, he was totally psycho.

I stood up and smiled sweetly at them. "It's been unpleasant meeting you both. You're both filthy animals and quite frankly, you stink. I have things to do, and my parents are probably worried sick right now. So, ciao." I said and turned to leave. I noticed Asher getting angrier with each word.


I had taken two strides when I saw the King in front of me. His blue eyes looked wild and scary. "You shall not speak to me that way!" He barked and smacked my face with his right hand.

I winced as I felt the pain searing through my cheek. I would not accept that. I attempted to punch his face but he caught my fist easily so, I kicked him. He released my hand immediately but Asher was beside him already. He looked pleased at the chance to hit me, but I couldn't blame him, I felt the exact same way. Without warning, a fight broke out between us and I didn't need my powers to win a fight.

"Stop it!" King Tarius' voice boomed.

Asher was monetarily distracted so I used the opportunity to pull him down to the floor where I currently was. I straddled him, and punched him. He managed to shove me off him and I found myself being restrained by the two buff guys who escorted the King and I upstairs. My cuffs were also replaced on my wrists. I tried to release myself from their strong grips, but it was no use.

"Don't make me seem like a bad person, princess." The King said before I was knocked out by one of the men.


I woke up in yet another foreign room. It took me a second to recollect my memories, I was tired of always getting knocked out.

The bed I was tucked into had white sheets with black floral designs, the walls were painted brown, and there was a flat screen tv mounted on the wall right in front of me. I spotted a white door and proceeded towards it. Of course though, it was locked. I kicked the door in frustration, walked back to the chair and sat, tired. I was glad to see the cuffs were gone. There were bruises on my wrists that hadn't healed. I wasn't used to seeing bruises on my skin. It was unnerving.

How had all this happened so fast? Heck, I wasn't even sure what was happening. There was no way I was getting married to the lycanthrope prince; just looking at him infuriated me. I had to find a way out of here, I had to do something. It had been two nights already, why hadn't they found me? I didn't even know how much time had passed since I blacked out. If the King was serious, one more night, and it would be too late.

My tummy growled and I realized I hadn't eaten anything in two nights. I couldn't remember the last time I had stayed this long without eating, probably never. I found myself pacing as my thoughts were directed at how to escape this elegant prison. I ended up back in bed and tried my best to stay awake but my eyelids got heavier as my thoughts wandered back to my family once again. I couldn't help it as I fell into a deep sleep I almost wished I'd never wake up from.


A light knock on the door before it was opened awoke me. I sat up quickly as a bunch of females, all brunettes, and all wearing little black dresses filed in. I stood still, confused by the ladies in front of me. Each came with a little box except one, who was holding a dress. A man, in a black cloak, stepped in after the last female. His face was completely hidden behind his hood.

"What is happening? Why are you all here?" I asked, my voice steady.

The man smiled, revealing his teeth which I noticed were wickedly sharp. "Ahh... princess." He said, almost mockingly.

"What?" I asked forcefully.

The ladies had arranged themselves in a straight line, and seemed to be waiting. I hoped for their sakes, they weren't waiting for me because I would not go down without a fight.

The man didn't reply me but to my dismay, began muttering words in a straight language. I stared at the strange man as he continued chanting then, it made sense. He was a warlock. The ladies were here to prepare me for the supposed wedding. But why would a warlock be here? He was still muttering his strange nonsense, but I didn't care. I wasn't getting married to that poorly evolved animal. The door behind him caught my eyes, it was still wide open and, I planned on going through it.

I tried to move towards it but for some odd reason, my legs weren't cooperating. I felt strangely paralyzed as I stood there, rooted to a spot. I knew the warlock was behind this and I was going to yell at him to quit it, but I couldn't talk either. Panic crept into me, I was utterly helpless.

"Don't worry, princess. You'll be fine." He said to me, smiling, before turning to the ladies. "You may proceed. She's all yours." He winked at me, and left.

I did everything I could to try to move but my efforts were futile. The ladies walked towards me and in no time, they began preparing me for what I knew would be the worst night of my life. I felt powerless and hated myself for the tears that spilled down my face.

This was the beginning of my end.

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