Chapter 7

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Words cannot emphasize enough how unreal all this still felt to me. Most people had loads of expectations about their wedding night; well most people weren't married off to their worst enemy at seventeen. I still hoped it was all a dream though. I shut my eyes tight and hoped that if I opened them, what would be before me would be my bedroom. I decided to count to three before reopening them.




"What the hell are you doing?" Asher asked, making me open my eyes abruptly.

I rolled my eyes at him, mildly irritated and eyed the room we were in. It wasn't exactly big, but it wasn't small either. It had red wallpaper, with heart designs. All the room had in it was a huge ass bed. I still stood by the door, unwilling to move further but unable to leave.

"I don't know what you expect but I'm not doing anything." I said, my voice a whisper.

What the hell was wrong with me? I didn't want him to think I was weak or anything. But the truth was, I was tired. I was simply tired of it all. I couldn't take down hundred of lycans, especially when all my abilities were stripped. I only regained control of my legs after we entered the room. Everything that was happening was just wearing me out.

"I don't expect anything," Asher replied "I don't want anything to do with you, don't you get it?"

"So why go ahead with it!" I yelled

"Because my father said so!" he yelled back.

"Weakling." I spat.

His eyes narrowed and he walked towards me. He got close enough for me to see the specks of gold in his green eyes and inhale his scent, he somehow managed to smell like all my favorite things. He was still in his tux just like I was in my now ripped dress.

"Listen Barbie," he started "I hate you. Do not forget that, ever. You have ruined my life. I would end you right now if we weren't bound. But my father is not stupid, if he's making me do this, it's probably for the benefit of lycanthropes, and I am not selfish enough to put my personal feelings in the way of that."

I felt myself trembling with desire as he spoke each word. There was something seriously wrong with me, he had just said he hated me and here I was, aching for his touch, the person I couldn't stand looking at a few moments ago. I shoved him away from me and tried to recompose my thoughts.

You hate him Viola, you despise him. You want to rip off his head, or rather maybe his clothes...Where the hell did that come from? I realized he was staring at me like I was crazy so, I shot him one of my nasty looks.

"Don't give me crap about ruining your life, don't forget your father had me kidnapped. And what's all this talk about being bound?" I asked.

He narrowed his eyes again, but ignored me so, I moved closer. I saw his eyes darken and his pulse quicken, I was standing about an inch away from him now.

"What's all this talk about being bound?" I asked again.

I could feel his body heat against my cold body.

Looking back, I realize my thoughts were messed with. I was simply a puppet and I had no choice over what was happening. The king would get me to do whatever, no matter the hatred I had for each him.

"Fuck it." He muttered.

He put his arms around me and kissed me. I did not push him away or try to make him stop. I kissed him back like my life depended on it. I got lost in everything that was happening and did not even think of stopping him as he buried himself deep in me and deflowered me.

I woke up a few hours later, unable to sleep as I was perturbed, even in my sleep. I opened my eyes and blinked a few times to accommodate my eyes to the lightening in the room. I stretched and realized my left hand hit something somewhat soft, not soft enough to be a pillow. Slowly, I turned my head to the left and there he was.


He was still asleep, facing me. He looked less appalling in his sleep, all his features were relaxed. My brain finally picked up on the fact that we were both in the same bed, then I noticed he was shirtless. I said a silent prayer, and looked at the floor, sure enough, I saw my dress and underwear laying there. Panic built up in my chest.

We didn't.

We couldn't have.

I couldn't have.

I would never.

Tears welled up in my eyes and anger swelled in my chest as I found myself being filled with more hatred, if possible, for the creature beside me.

How could I have let this happen?

What the hell happened?

Oh my days.

I let out an ear-piercing scream and Asher woke up. It took him roughly five seconds to realize what had happened.

"Get out! Get out!! Get out!!!" I yelled.

Thank heavens he had the sense to get his clothes and leave, wearing shorts, only after he shot me a look of disgust though. I burst into tears after he left.

If this was a dream, I was ready to wake up now.

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