Sneak Peak

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"Why didn't you tell me?"

I jump, Hunter is in the dark corner of the room, leaning against the wall.

"Because I don't tell anyone."

"I would've understood."

His words reach me and then I can't see through my tear-filled eyes. I close them and shake my head. "No you wouldn't, you can't. I still don't."

I hear his feet shuffle, I'm scared he's going to come over to me. I put my head in my hands.

"Well, if you ever need to talk, if you need anything... I'm here. That's what friends are for."

"Thanks but I'll be okay." I push out in the most normal voice I can manage. I'm broken, can't he see that? Why does he want to be friends with a broken girl?

I hear him leave and I take my hands away from my face, staring at the closed door.

'Friends.' I think, that's how Jacob and I started. But look how that turned out.

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