Chapter 26 The Choice

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I miss when I was on the kids end of the table. Blake still sits next to me but the others surrounding me are making me a little tense. Jacob is on my left and Hunter straight across. Kenny and his girlfriend Gema sit on the end and next to Hunter, and in all honesty this end of the table is just awkward.

Sam, Tif, Al, Maggie, Bill, and some girl I don't recognize line the other end with Gordi on the end, being monitored closely. They talk freely and Kenny and Gema are lost in their own world but it's this center of me and Jacob and Hunter that I'm clearly not enjoying. I'm trying to give all of my attention to Blake but she's got some special bond going on with Kenny and could care less about me.

It actually hurts to be ignored by this little girl and I know it shouldn't. Soon she sits on Kenny's lap and I am forced to interact with other adults. I look over at Hunter who cracks his knuckles as he makes light conversation with Al who sits beside him.

"What are you thinking about?" Jacob tilts his head and looks at me, his arm draped over my chair back very easily.

"That I don't fit in anymore." I never was one to lie to Jacob and I'm not going to start now.

"What do you mean?" The concern is clear in his voice and I glance at him and back at my menu.

"It's nothing."

"No, if you wouldn't mind, can you explain."

My eyes flash up to Hunter's face, he's looking intently at me and a slight blush comes to my face. How closely was he paying attention to me that he noticed right away when I spoke. "I don't know, I used to sit on the end of the group watching over the twins not..." I stop short of telling them my friends are trying to get me to settle down, picking sides for which guy I need to choose.

Tif, Sam, and Al are on Hunter's side; the fact that he's never hurt me holds weight. Maggie and Bill are encouraging me to remember what Jacob and I had, not to throw it away. And I just want to sink in to a hole and disappear.

"Well I still don't have any clue why I'm here." Hunter throws up his hands and I can't stop the giggle.

"Yeah I can't figure it out either." Jacob mumbles and I flick his knee under the table. "Leah, you do belong. I know it's been a while but it wasn't always just you on the edge, we both were there together." He grabs my hand under the table and squeezes.

I pull it out and I look away, avoiding all eye contact. When I turn back Hunter and Jacob are looking at each other in a way that doesn't ease my mind. The tension seems unbreakable and I can't take it anymore. "E-excuse me." I stand and slide out from the table, hurrying to the bathroom. An exit sign catches my attention and I look behind, making sure the table is out of sight.

The summer breeze feels heavenly on my shaking body and I hug my arms as goosebumps rise. For a minute I just listen to the traffic pass and try to collect my breath. I hear the door open behind me and for a second I'm scared to death that I'm going to feel Jacob wrap his arms around me.

The memory hits like a wave.

I hung up the phone in a triumphant flourish. "Your mother says she can do the cake!" I crossed off the last unmarked item on the list.

Jacob's arms snaked around me and he pressed his lips to the side of my head. I closed my eyes and leaned in.

"I still can't believe it's next week." I whispered, turning around and entering his embrace.

"I can't believe it's taken this long." He chuckled.

"All things come..." I laughed as he gently kissed me and then he lay his head on my shoulder, a position that could not have been comfortable for him, considering how much taller he is.

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