Chap.4~promises and lies

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-------------------Kaitlin's pov-------------------

" so like no thing happened today? Really?!" We were in my room as I let a sigh of relief escape me.

" Nope... Nothing um, nothing at all..." He gave me a nervous smile and was stuttering, I know that he was lying.

"Now tell me what really happened." I said trying not to walk to her door and tell her mom what she did and have her grounded for a month.

" well I think he found out.." He spit out.
All sign of happiness or Relief drained out of me and I realized that I'm screwed, absolutely screwed. And so was he because she will get her. Who would want a stick with light brown hair and greenish blue eyes? Her would take Lea who is way taller then me with bleach blonde hair and blue eyes. She was the definition of pretty while I was the opposite.

"So do you want to stay for dinner?" I asked while making the salad, him sitting on the counter behind me, we're both 17 so he can just drive home at anytime.

"Sure."he said, he has been trying to cheer me up and of course it kinda worked.

" Hey, since tomorrow is Saturday then do you want to help me plan my party, and you should come." He asked, I totally forgot about his party. Since he's the quarterback like everyone is there.

"Um sure I guess."

I woke up to my phone ringing

" hello?" I mumbled into the phone, l I could think about was sleep.

"Hey, I'm on my way to your house, be ready"

"Ok bye"


As he probably suspected, I went back to sleep.


I groaned in pain, my leg hurt and I was on the floor and Alex was standing over me smiling.

" I told you to be ready but as soon as the call was over you went back to sleep, wow, now look your on the floor." He said smirking at me.

"Where are we going?" I asked yawning and sitting up.

"To my house so we could plan" I nodded my head and stood up and he walked out of my room so I could change. I got into a pair of tight bleached jeans, with my shirt that has strands hanging down and I put on my white converse on. I walk out after I did my makeup and brushed my hair and teeth.

I walked down stairs to see Alex in my living room watching tv.

"Your such a hippie today" he laughed

"Ok well let's go."

"You got it" he said while standing up and showing me his keys, I tried to take them from him but he moved it away just in time and that's when I jumped on his back and yelled while trying to take the keys. We were running around the house yelling. At the end he dove backwards on the couch and squished me.

"GET OFF OF ME" I yelled while laughing my head off.

"NEVER" he yelled back

I kicked him the stomach with my foot that was out from under him and while he was holding his stomach I pushed off of me and grabbed his keys as I ran to his car and unlocked it and got in he soon stumbled after me and got in the drivers seat, obviously he was being over dramatic and I shook my head and laughed as we drove away.


As we pulled up to his house and went into his room.

"So my party is tomorrow and I need you to stand in front of the door and look pretty, just greet every one." He said as soon as I sat on his bed.

"No way I can't just be forced to be here and have them walk in making fun of me." Said while playing with my hair not wanting to look at his sad face.

"If they make fun of you then they can't come in, I have your back, got it?" He said as I looked up I shook my head yes.

"What made me so luck as to get you as a friend?" I asked with a smile on my face

"No idea.." He said while messing up my hair.

"So will you be there? At my party?" He asked

"Of course I will" I said with a smile

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