Chapter 14: Is He A Ghost Or What?

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It was morning, after getting ready. Tasleem and Amira headed downstairs, the aroma of food wafting through the air.

The morning was different, not the usual. Mamie was busy instructing the workers in the kitchen, her voice filled with excitement. "Make sure the fried rice is cooked to perfection, and the shrimp shouldn't be overcooked." She paused and continued, "don't forget to add the extra spices."

She turned to another worker, "get a new duvet, ensure it's crisp and clean, and make sure the room is clean."

She turned to another, "I'd give you the grocery list"

Tasleem and Amira exchanged a glance. Amira mouthed to Tasleem 'what's going on?' Tasleem shook her head at her.

Mamie noticed them. "Come, eat your breakfast."

She turned to Suwaiba, "don't add too much oil in the dishes"

Amira's curiosity got the better of her. "Mamie, What's happening, is there a festival or something?" She glanced at Tasleem, suspicion creeping into her voice. "is someone asking Tasleem's hand in marriage."

Tasleem's heart skipped a beat, her eyes widened. "What are you saying? No one is asking for my hand."

Mamie chuckled, "you're over thinking, your brother is coming back today."

Amira's jaw dropped. "WHAT???! Are you serious?"

Mamie nodded at her, a warm smile spreading across her face. "Yes, he'll be home soon."

Amira's excitement erupted. "OMG, why didn't I know about this? We even had a video call yesterday; he should've told me!"

Tasleem stood quietly, observing the exchange, her thoughts drifting away.

Mamie said, "Alright, Go and eat your food, Don't be late for school."

Tasleem and Amira soon finished their breakfast.

The drive to school was filled with Amira's non-chatter about Rayyan. Tasleem listened intently, lost in her own thoughts.


When they arrived home, Amira immediately asked, "Mamie, why isn't Ya Rayyan home yet?"

"David went to pick him up from the airport, they'll be here soon." Mamie replied. "Go freshen up, we'll have lunch soon."

After freshening up, they headed downstairs. Abba soon joined them.

Just then, the sound of a car engine echoed outside.

Amira dashed out of the house. The car door swung open, and Rayyan stepped out of the back seat.

Amira squealed, rushing into his open arms "Ya Rayyan"

Rayyan stood taller, his strong jawline was accentuated by a well groomed beard, his brown eyes sparkled with warmth.

His fitted clothes showcased his toned physique, honed from a regular workout. He wore a black shirt with his sleeves rolled up to his elbows showing his muscles. His dark hair was perfectly styled.

He hugged her back, he smiled, "let's go in"

David removed his suitcases from the boot of the car and headed inside with them.

He greeted his parents. Mamie hugged him. "Are you eating well? You look so fragile!"

Rayyan smiled at her, "I've been taking care of myself, don't worry."

Abba said, "My dear, he looks more built now, you should worry about me more"

The family laughed.

"You're not leaving again, are you?" Mamie worriedly asked.

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