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It is a cold winter day.
The snow keeps falling and her feet are cold. Freezing actually.

But that does not stop her. Her grin is wide, she carries a little bag.

Quietly humming a song while her head happily nods along.

As she finally reaches her little baby blue car she places the bag in the back and sits down.

Three hours. It has been three hours of driving and walking around. And why? To get THE present. The only thing that actually comes close to her wifes beauty.

Her feet slowly start to tingle as they get warmer in the car. She drives off and listens to the playlist she and her wife created together.

"Space Girl, I saw a lunar eclipse
Looked like how I feel 'bout your lips
Space Girl, the only way that we'd end. Was if you were sucked into a black hole. But I'd still spend my days dreaming 'bout you"

She sings along. She doesn't know why but that song had reminded her of her beautiful wife ever since she first heard it.
She couldn't quite figure out why.

Was it her beautiful ginger-brown hair? The icy blue eyes that look like a star explosion?
Or maybe her freckles because they always called them her stars?

It was a combination of all of those things. She found her personal space girl and hopes to always stay close.

"Dreaming bout you
Tell me how to
Stop dreaming bout you
Girl, are you a cancer?
'Cause you make me cry
When we kiss or dance in the sky
We're dancing in the sky"

She happily rides down the road home. The road that always makes her heart beat faster.
She can still remember the very first time they took the road.

"My love, are you truly sure about this? What if we can't find someone here in England?"

The ginger haired woman giggles quietly.

"Clo, would it be so bad to just be here with me?"

"No babe. I'd rather be lost with you than alone without you."

They reach out their hands and keep on driving.

"Sorscha. We are home now... home and safe because we are together."

The other woman smiles and squeezes Clodaghs hand.

"Home sweet home."

Clodagh now enters the street of their house. It's not much but it is their home. A beautiful little cottage. Just like they always wanted to have it. They've got a little garden.
It is just as they always wanted it.

"My love look!! The keys to our home! They will bring us new adventures."

The gingery brown haired woman just smiles and kisses her wife.
Then she grabs her hand and smiles as they both unlock the door.

The sense of home instantly fills their hearts and they start dreaming about the decoration of their home.

"And look! That's where we will put our wedding picture. And here! This is where we will place a little shelf. And this room!"

The ginger haired woman runs down the corridor.

"This room will be our future babys room and we will decorate it with all of our favourite animals. And keep it neutral! Maybe put some stars up."

The blonde haired woman just checkles and looks at her wife. She walks up to one room in their home and looks in it.

"And this is where we will live our dreams. And with that our passion."

And Clodagh enters the house, she hears soft music playing and sees her wife Sorscha and their daughter lying on the sofa cuddleing.

She stops for a moment and looks at them. Who knew that she will actually end up having the life of her dreams.

Quinn is already 5 years old. Time flew by and she looks exactly like Sorscha. The only one thing she has from Clodagh is her soft and loving voice and behavior.

She has her ginger hair in a beautiful braid which Sorscha braided this morning.
Her silver glasses shine as she cuddles up against her Mama.
The freckles in her face are just as perfect as the stars of the nightsky.

Which instantly brings Clodagh back to her actual present.
She quickly sneaks away into the room in which they wanted to live their dreams but which ended up being the storage room.

She quickly gets to work and cleans up the entire room. She puts the stuff in the right place and organizes everything. She smiles, satisfied with her own work.

About three hours later a soft "Loves!" Sounds throuh the house. Followed by little footstamps and giggles.

"Mami what are you doing in here-"

"Clo my love? You called, what's the matter bab-"

They both stop in their tracks the second they look into the room.

The set up candles make the room shine in a warm orange.
And on the wall in all its glory is a drawing. Two women, one with a green sweater, glasses and ginger-brown hair.
The other one in a lavender coloured dress with blonde hair and a shy smile. And in their middle is a younger, shorter ginger haired girl.
Her jumper is in a lime green and her blue eyes shine brightly.

"Did you draw this?!"

Clodagh blushes a little and nods.
She instantly gets picked up and spinned around.

"Mami you are an artist!!!! Soo amazing!!! Just like that one you told me about.... the uhm- Ganough?"

"Vincent van Gogh?" The two mothers can't keep their laughter hidden from their daughter.

Quinn was the first to realise that this wasn't the only change.
In the middle of the room is an arm chair and a nice fluffly carpet.
Right next to it there is a guitar, with little frog stickers all over it.

"Mama look!!! Your guitar!!"

The little girl calls in an excited way.
Sorscha looks up and walks over to the arm chair. She sits down and admires the room.

Clodagh cleaned up her art desk and refilled her supply stock.

Now what could be waiting there for Quinn? She jumps up to the window.


She jumps around and hugs her Mams. The family shares a long and intense cuddle.
Sorscha picks up their little girl and carries her over in the bedroom.
Clodagh follows behind them.

The second they lay in the womens bed they all cuddle up even more.
They know that they are at home.

It's funny. Clodagh and Sorscha learned that home is a building. Home is only a place.
Home is just where you spend your afternoons and nights.

But now, now they know.
Home is where ever the other one is.
Home is where their daughter happily jumps around in excitement.
Home is a feeling.
The feeling of safety and love.
The feeling of being yourself.

They found their home.

And Quinn? She learned that home is so much more than just a place.
She learned that home is where she will alwsys find all the help and support she needs.
She learned that home is where her family is.

The Doyles have found their peace and the Doyles found their home.

They found each other.

My Clodagh One shot turned into a Doyle-Family one shot 🤭🤭🤭
I hope it brought back some fluff 💕🪻🍀
Lots of love,

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