Sadie Emily Marie Sahyounie

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I'm Sadie Emily Marie Sahyounie, (nobody but my mom knows my FULL NAME, others just know me as Sadie Sahyounie Or some people call me by my nickname Emily, but mostly Sadie)..
But Yup I'm Daniel Sahyounie's sister.I'm 17 years old and as for Daniel, he's 18.Were in the same grade, I know what your thinking, he's supposed to be in a grade higher then me, but our mom wanted us to be in the exact same grade, so we can 'bond' and what not, so she waited till I was the right age and put me and him both in school.Me and Daniel don't quiet 'get along' like most brothers and sisters are suppose to.Scratch that off, I hate his fuckin guts, but of course I love him, he's my brother but its the shit he does to me that makes me hate him as a person, but love him as a brother.
Im pretty sure he don't like me either, since he says it every time we argue..He pretty much makes fun of me, calls me names, yells at me, and embarrass me every day, 24/7.Along with his stupid  fake, caked face girlfriend Chloe. She makes fun of me and yells at me, the usual, and Daniel does nothing but stare or even laugh, or jump on her waggon..I'm use to it, its been happening for almost 2 years.And as for the others, His bestfriends Luke and Jai Brooks and his other friend James do the same to me everyday, so basically there like the stuck up snotty squad you see in school that judges you, and make fun of what your wearing..I don't know how I'm related to Daniel..Sure I'm a bitch, because I give attitude to people, but that's only because I'm tired if everyone's shit, and I know people are temporary, so I stay to myself, I shield myself from getting hurt....I have no friends, I don't even like to hang out with the weirdos/lames/geeks at school because I like to keep to myself, even tho Daniel tells me I belong with them. I only had one best friend in life, and that was..Beau Brooks...He practically was a Brother I always wanted.He always protected me from Luke,Jai,Daniel and anyone.I loved him...To much...But one day me and him were arguing for stupid reasons, he walked out and I never went after him..The next day I found out he was in the bottom of a river, inside his car..Dead...I was so angry at myself, I blamed everything on me, if I would of just gone out and talked everything out with him ,he'd still be with me. Singing with me. Telling Jokes with me. Everything..I told myself never to get close to anyone again, all people are temporary.. But I don't regret beau at all..He was the only reason I liked getting up and go to his house to annoy him...I admit, he was my first kiss, but me and him wanted to be friends since we thought it would ruin our friendship..We kissed 4 times in the whole time I knew him..I don't regret it at all, he was my first love, I admit it, I loved him, as a best friend and as more..A few months later that's when I heard about his death, and I completely shut everyone out..Its not like I ever talked to anyone anyways, but I just don't like to be around people.I'm not what you call 'social'. I Eat,Sleep,Shower,Take a Shit,Brush My Teeth, And Netflix and sometimes go for a walk. I don't really do nothing fun, since I have no friends, but its alright with me, I love being alone and listening to my music. Daniels the opposite if me, TOTAL OPPOSITE, he goes to party's, gets drunk and high, and does all sorts of shit. I haven't even touched weed or any sorts if beer once, even if it is sitting on the kitchen counter, and no ones home to see, nope nopee.
I always wanted to try it but nahh, my inside's aren't ready for that...
Well I have Bright Green eyes, my mom always had these bright green eyes, I got that from her, but I guess Daniel got his brown from dad..I have blondish hair, and I'm 5'1.
I'm pretty insecure about my body, but beau always told me I was beautiful and I had a perfect body..He always made me feel better...
Well my dad is dead, he was in a car crash, and to be honest, I didn't really care, im close to my mom the most, all dad did was work, drink, and, watch football, and go back to work. Me and him never had a 'daughter and Dad' bonding time.Me and my mom always did, and I love her to death, she was like my best girlfriend, me and her gossip and go shopping and we even stay in each others rooms and play dress up or makeup or even watch movies.(sad I know but idgaf).
She's a cool ass mom if you ask me, I see why dad loved her,
Shes 31 right now and everyone always confuses her with being my sister, and she always laughs and loves to brag about looking young..
And as for Daniel, he took it a little harder than I did when dad died, he was always close to him and watched the football games with him, and sometimes even drink with him, when mom didn't know.If she found out, boyyy they'd both be in trouble.
Mom doesn't know about me getting bullied by my own brother and his friends, AND MAY I REMIND YOU, THEY COME TO OUR HOUSE, I don't really tell her because I don't wanna get more in trouble by Daniel, and I don't really want them to think I'm trying to get attention by telling my "mom" on them...So I just suck it up and take it like a man..Sometimes it hurts my feelings that they do this, but I remember not to show feelings, or even have them towards people, except my family...But Daniel is a different story, I hate him, but he's my brother, and you know how you have love for your family..
Well that's enough about me, let's get to the story!

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