Part 19

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"Jai Uhm it's not what it- oh look I hear mean girls" I jumped up and ran downstairs and jumped by Daniel and put my whole body under him, or at-least tried, to hid.

"And why are you under me?-"



"Shit" I yelled and pushed Daniel off of me and grabbed my skateboard that I hardly used, and decided to go out for a walk, to get things off of my mind... And to get away from Jai and Luke.

I'll go get a smoothie, yeah that's what I'll do!


Okay so I got a 4 smoothies, me, Daniel, luke and Jai... Probably they'll forget about our 'incident' and fill there thought up with a smoothie.

"Keep the change"I smiled at the cashier and grabbed the cups that were inside the 4 cup holders (A/N IDK WHAT THERE CALLED BUT ITS LIKE CARDBOARD AND IT HAS 4 WHOLES THAT 4 OF YOUR DRINKS CAN GO IN NVM)

I opened the door with my butt, since my hands were full with the- ohhhh shit

"What are you doing here alone? Did you run away from me?" Jai said looking at me crossing his arms... With Luke behind him

Fucking drama queens

"Smoothie?" I smiled and shoved it in his face, trying to ignore his question and him.

He grabbed it and I gave Luke his, and walked away... Or at least tried.

"Why in a rush?-"

"To get away from you" I spat out sarcastically without thinking. Well damnnnnn, pat on the back to me, I'm lit asf rn.

"And that reason is"Jai grabbed my hand and stopped me from walking, turning me around to face him and Luke.

"Why are you guys questioning and following me, go bother someone else-"

"You didn't tell me you guys kissed" Luke said, full attention on me.

"Why do you guys care, were not dating"I simply said, taking a sip of the smoothie

"Yeah but still-"

"No I'm not your fucking doll, I don't need to tell you what I do, now would you guys please leave me alone?"

"Alright you want to play that game-"

"Oh no, here comes drama queennn" I silently sung, rolling my eyes and drinking my smoothie, while Jai is having his moment.

"Alright we'll play that game, I'm tired of trying to be nice to you" Jai backed up.

I sighed loudly on purpose and rolled my eyes and glared back at him.

The only reason he's being nice to me was because of their bet.

"Since when were you ever nice to me" I raised a brow and drank more of my smoothie, trying to make it look like none of it affected me, but really, I wanted to laugh because he's being dramatic.

"No no, don't talk to me, I'm done-"

"Okay then leave"I glared at him, while he looked shocked I said that.
No but seriously he's just saying he's done like okay leave my presence, don't know why your here were not even dating.

"See you later" I winked at them both, and turned around, and just walked home.

Why are they mad though?

I walked in the house
"DANIEL HERE!" I yelled for him, and put his drink on the table, and walked to my room.

I took a shower and put on a blue dress, because I wanted to go to the beach alone, and just walk around (photo above^)
I let my hair down, to air dry.

I should go through the back door so they don't see me.


Ok it's been 10 minutes and I'm here at the beach, and it's so nice when it's nighttime out here, that's why I came.

I decided to sit down on the sand, and just stare at the ocean.

I sighed, no boys, no Daniel, no Jai, no Luke, no one... So peaceful-

"-Heyyy"I heard someone grunt, and take a seat next to me

I snapped my neck and seen Jai

"Jai? What are you d-"

"Look I know I was going a little dramatic back there, it's just-"
He stopped and looked at me.

"I don't want to see you with Luke" he said quietly

Are my ears hearing right?

I stared at him for like 10 seconds, confused.

"Are you okayy? Do you feel sick or something?" I said to Jai still confused

"I'm not sick" he mocked

"I don't want you talking to Luke alright?" He says seriously.

Is he serious? Luke comes to me, Jai comes to me, they all come to me, what makes him Think I would want to talk to them or even Luke.

"Don't tell me what to do" I rolled my eyes

"See, Why are you like that" he sighed and glared at me

"Like what?" I said rudely

"Your always brushing stuff off, why are you always shutting me and everyone out-"

"Maybe if you were nice to me in the beginning, we wouldn't be having s problem, would we?"

"Well maybe if you weren't a social freak and talked to us like a normal person, we wouldn't be" he gave a sarcastic tone

I just stayed quiet, he's right, but I hate him, so he's wrong.

"Just leave me alone-"

"Remember 4 years ago I would always try to talk to you, but you always glared at me, or gave me little answers, I tried Sadie! I tried being your friend, you were mean-"

"well maybe it was because I use to like you!-" I stopped myself... Shit. Why did I say that

He stopped to, and looked at me.

"I need to go, bye" I got up and halfway ran away from him, and just walked home.

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