Part One

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"Wake the fuck up, SCHOOL!!!!" I heard the only annoying Daniel in the house yell, and laugh.

I groan and grab my phone to see it was 5:32am wtf Daniel.

"Did you seriously wake me up at 5:32am jackass!" I scream back at him and put my head inside my pillow as I hear him laugh and bang on my door, knowing he's being annoying.

I get up as I still hear him banging and grab my shoe and open the door real fast and threw it straight at his face, as he drops his cerial, and quickly grabs his nose in pain, ha ha jackass.

I close my door and lock it and go to jump in my cozy bed, but now I couldn't sleep, fuckin Daniel.Might as well take a shower since my hair is probably nappy as hell.

I walk to my bathroom and close the door and locked it, and grabbed my took brush and brushed my teeth.
After that I took my clothes off and stepped in the shower and took a shower duh.
After like 30 minutes, I stepped out the shower and put a towel over my body and opened the bathroom door that leads to my bedroom.
*I have a bathroom in my bedroom duh*
I opened it and seen Daniel,Luke, and Jai in my room looking through my drawers, being nosey.

How the fuck did they get in, I locked my doors.
I seen jai and Luke look at my Pantie and Bra drawers and gave each other a stupid look with their stupid faces.

"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU GUYS THINK YOUR DOING!"I yelled mainly at jai and luke making them jump up.

They all looked at me and Daniel yelled 'ewww' and left running out of the room, as Luke and jai stared at me with there mouths open, with a little pervy smirk forming.

"What!!!" I yelled at them both
"You- Your naked" Luke said in stutter and disbelief as Jai looked at me and bit his lip.

"WELL THEN, WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU GUYS DOING HERE, GET OUT!" I yelled as they both ran out turning around one last time smirking at each other and whispering and shut the door...

I sighed and locked the door again, and got dressed into a my Plain White shirt and black skinny jeans, with my black and white converse on. I'm not even bothering doing my hair, so I put it in a messy bun. (I don't like makeup so I don't wear it FYI.)
I looked in the mirror and looked somewhat decent I think and grabbed my phone and bag and went downstairs but stopped in my tracks as I hear my name being brought up in a conversation..

"Holy shit your sister is hot, why didn't you ever tell me she had a hot body" I heard Luke say and laugh stupidly.

"Uhm I don't look at my SISTER'S body in that way, that's weird as fuck"  Daniel said in a disgusted tone

"Somehow I'm attracted to her now" Luke chuckled

"Don't you hate her" 
I heard Daniel say seriously

"Hates a strong word"  I heard Luke say and knew he was smirking

"Oh please, she wouldn't even look at you if you were the last guy on earth" I heard Jai chuckle sarcastically

"And why is that" I heard Luke say to Jai in a challenge type of tone

"Well for one she hates you, and you and I know you can't get in her pants, and for two, maybe I'm also attracted to her, and MAYBE I'll get to her first" I hear Jai say in a challenge tone also

I peeked my head to see what they were doing and they were face to face with each other, challenging one another. Jackasses. 
I rolled my eyes and continued to listen.
"And what makes you think, I can't get in her pants" Luke stepped closer to jai as I seen jai smirk

"Because I'm gonna get in it first" Jai stepped closer to him with the same smirk on his face.

They were real close, as I see Daniel looking at them amused with his stupid face. Stupid.

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