Part 17

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I nearly washed all the paint off of me, some were just on my hands and legs and a bit on my hair but not that much..

I sighed throwing my clothes in the trash can and throwing on light blue skinny jeans and my black converse with my black plain crop top.
I just put my hair in a messy bun because not much to do with ugly dried up painted sorta blue hair.
I brushed my teeth and went and plopped down on my bed and groaned into my pillow...

Me and Dylan could of had sorta cute and ugly kids, why he do me like that?

*knock knock*
"Sadie I'm gonna come in" I heard Daniel say. I just ignored and continued to grown into my pillow on purpose. 

"I heard what happened today" he laid his body on my legs

"I know, everyone did"I said shifting and making myself comfortable

"Well look on the bright side, Jai punched him cold" he laughed while I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah and he shouldn't had don't that, he's not even MY BROTHER, you know what can you get out of my room I want to watch tv" I said annoyed of his presence
He sighed and got up "alright alright see you later-"
"Okay close the door" I said changing the channel not even looking at him.

I heard him close the door and heard a knock right away.

I groaned
"Why can't everyone leave me alone- oh hey Jai" I cut myself off from my tantrum when I seen Jai barging in.

"What's up?" I looked at him while he looked at me confused.

"Paint balling? And I see you got mostly all of the paint off" he chuckled and fell on my bed, bringing his arm around my body and pulling me down to him, causing me to laugh.

"Oh yeah that" I laughed trying to get up.

"Look sorry to be a buzz kill but Daniel killed my buzz and all I want to do is sleep now soo" I said opening my door and wanting Jai to get out.

"Oh no no no I did not drive 3 minutes to your house for you to say no, you are going now put that happy face on and hurry up" he yelled exiting out of the room

Well... I tried

I got up and grabbed my phone and closed the door behi-

"Oh heyyyyyy luke?" I said as a question

He stopped and looked at me.

"Sadie" he stayed quiet and stared at me.

I stood there awkwardly

"Soo, what are you doing here buddy" I said in a awkward voice and poked his side with my elbow
"Daniel wanted me to come buddy" he mocked me

I stayed quiet and stood there.

"Welllll, I should go, nice seeing you, have a nice day, and see you around" i said quickly and walked real fast away.

"Oh hey Jai" I said trying to catch my breath and plus I bumped into him also.

"Hey, are you ready?" He said with confusion in his voice.

"Uh yeah let's go" I grabbed his hand and walked quickly out the house


"No no no , you already got me leave me alone" I screeched, running away from Jai to somewhere dark so he won't find me.

this is the part were I get killed isn't it?

"Where are you at!?"I hear jai's faint voice and him chuckle.

"Are you gonna stop shooting me" I shouted at him catching my breath and squaring down to sit.

"Sure we're are you at?" I hear Jai again

"Turn around dumby" i laughed and covered my face from the flashlight he was putting on me.

I heard him sigh and take a seat next to me.

"Are you done?" I said taking off my shoes
"Yeahhhh, quick question" he said

"Yeah?" I said kicking off my shoes and taking my shirt off

"Why are you getting naked?" He smiled

"Because there's a pool lake in the back, and me and you are gonna go" I whispered as if it was top secret.

"Is that right?" Jai chuckled and looked at me taking off mostly everything except my bra and undies.

"That is right" I said as a matter of fact, and got up before he can argue and ran towards the pond.

I stopped and turned around.

"Aren't you coming?" I yelled at Jai.

"I think I'll sit this one out, but have fun with that" he said so sarcastically.

"Is someone afraid to get wet" I pouted and laughed, doing chicken noises and movements.

I seen him chuckle.

"Hurry up I wanna go in and I don't want to do it alone, I bet if Luke was here He would of did it-"

"On second thought I would LOVE to join you" he cut me off and got up

"That's more like it, hurry up" I laughed and turned back around and ran towards the water.

I jumped in the water with no hesitation

"Nope nope nope nope nope nope nope, nope nope-" I stood up

"What" I hear Jai laugh and saw him taking his shirt off

"Cold cold cold cold nope nope" I got out the water

"Oh you better get your ass back in that water, I just took off my shirt off" I hear him laugh

"It's cold, i wanna sleep- no no no let me go, you have your socks on, don't get in the water lik-" I got cut off of my ranting and me trying to find an excuse to not go back in that water, by Jai tackling me in the water.

I laughed and swam away in the cold water while Jai followed.
"Arnt you cold?" I looked at him.

"No?" He said as a question.

"well okay then" I muttered and mocked swimming away

"Sooo" jai swam close to me again

"sooo" I swam away from him again

"why are you moving away from me, this is suppose to be romantic and your ruining it" he blurted out looking annoyed on purpose.

"Romantic?"I laughed

"Yes romantic, we swim at night in the lake and me and you kiss and you realize you love me and we die together the end what a romantic story" he said quickly and I laughed.

"Yeah Uhm no" I scoffed and saw him laugh.

"I'm just kidding" he swam close to me

"Soooo how's life?" I swam next to him bc yolo

"Fine, difficult, eh, how about you?"he looked at me and swam behind me, wrapping his arm around me.

I smiled and threw my head back

"Eh, alright, and confusing" I laughed

"You know i still hate you right?" I looked at him and smiled

"I know, remember I hate you to right?" He smiled

"Right" I chuckled

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