Part 3

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Chloe was done curling my hair, and got up and she took a look at me and her mouth opened.

"Sadie, you look beautiful" she says as her eyes widen more
I laughed and went to the mirror and couldn't believe this was me...
I looked so different... My hair looked actually nice, the dress fitted me perfect and went above my knee...Not to be weird but my ass and boobs were popping out, yeah that is weird to be telling you guys...
I refused to were makeup, because I don't like it.
But other then that, I actually looked pretty, and felt pretty.

"Thank you" I said to Chloe... She laughed and held the necklace beau gave me in her hand and turned me around and put it in my neck...I smiled at her and seen the necklace on me...

*guys btw Chloe is wearing a dress to*

"Let's go party now"she squeeled and took my hand as I grabbed my phone real quick and went out in the living room were the boys were at..

"I present to you...The new Sadie" Chloe said exaggerating a bit..I mean its just a dress
"The new Sadie, for tonight" I corrected her and chuckled.  Cause we all know I'm probably gonna be wearing sweats or jeans tomorrow bc I don't like dressing up.

The boys turned around and there eyes widened, as they looked at me...I smiled awkwardly as they just kept staring..

"Stop staring, I feel weird" I said covering my face, blocking out luke and jai faces..

"You looked beautiful" jai said

"Sure jackass" I said and rolled my eyes

"Why can't you just except a complement"he said annoyed

"Oh maybe because you never complemented me, until I decided to were a fucken dress"I sarcastically said to him
As he just stared at me and said nothing .

"Guys let's go, and not argue for once" Chloe said and opened the door

"Yeah jai, let's not argue for once!"I said sarcastically to jai and stuck out my tongue like a 5 year old and walked out the door..
We went in the car an I sat in the back seat and waited for the rest to get in...And just my luck jai and Luke decided to sit with me.yaaay (sarcasm)..I looked out the window, ignoring them..
I seen Daniel look at me from the middle mirror (idk what its called)
"So Sadie, have you ever even drank before"he said looking at me from the mirror and back at the road.
"Nopeee, but I wanna"I said and smiled a bit

"You seriously never drank?"Luke said surprised

"Nah"I said nicely to him and saw jais eyes widen

"Oh, your nice to him, but when it comes to me yo-"

"Jai shut the fuck up, I can't stand both of you" I said trying to sound annoyed, but ended up laughing

He sighed "whatever"

We parked the car and heard loud music, and flashing lights coming out of the big house...
I suddenly want to be in my cozy room and watch Netflix..
Everyone started to come out the car, except me, I was just sitting there staring at the house, kinda scared...I never been to a party before what if-

"You okay"I heard jai say and look at me, I nodded trying to act like I'm okay, and stepped out the car, looking at the house..
I guess everyone went in, and it was only me and jai...
"Its not that scary don't worry"he said, knowing I was worrying

"You didn't have to stay with me, you could of went inside with them"I said as we started to walk slow, to the party.

He put his hands in his pockets and shrugged
We walked in the house as I smelt liquor and weed...
I looked at jai and he put his hand behind my back, walking in...
I couldn't hear, everyone was talking and the music was loud, there was fog everywhere and colorful lights flashing everywhere, even in my damn eyes...
Shit ima leave this party blind.

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