Chapter 4: Jessica

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Her eyes flash, blue, purple, blue, purple, before finally settling on blue.

Concentrate on the shelter, she thought, you can do it. With one final push of energy, she made it to the orphanage.

It was storming hard outside and the lightning was blinding her. She couldn't go anywhere, or move at all.

The last thing she saw was a worried pair of green eyes before she blacked out.


"Hey are you okay?" Green eyes asked her, a strange look on her face. There were two more girls there, one with brown eyes and the other blue, like her.

"I'm Olivia," says green eyes.

"I'm Emma," responds brown eyes, after a short pause.

"I'm Alice," says blue eyes quietly, looking timid. Unlike the others, she had wavy hair that was shorter.

Suddenly, there was a pounding in Jessica's head.

"Ouch," she says, rubbing her temples. She gave a weird look to Emma, who seemed to be concentrating hard on her, as if she was analyzing her. After a few minutes she looked defeated and confused.

Jessica shrugged it off, and finally said, "I'm Jessica." She closes her eyes for a second, so they wouldn't see Jessica's eyes flash purple.

"If you're tired we can sleep now," said a concerned Olivia.

"Yeah, that would be great," replied Jessica, feeling uncomfortable around so many people. She hasn't seen people in a while, let alone speak to them.

"Okay, goodnight guys," says Emma quickly, not looking like she was going to sleep at all.

Jessica closed her eyes, and fell instantly into a deep sleep. She could hear whispering just before she went into her dreaming world.


Ring, ring, ring. Bells went off all over the orphanage, signaling everyone to wake up.

Jessica proper her head up with her hand, to see Olivia already dressed.

"I'm an early riser," she explains sheepishly.

"WHY do we have to get up at such an ungodly hour!" Emma complains, rolling off her bed.

"Because headmaster says, 'the early bird gets the worm,'" Alice mocks, imitating the headmaster. Everybody laughs except Jessica.

"I'm guessing you're not a morning person," Olivia says with a smile.

"That's kind of it," Jessica explains slightly evasively. Olivia decides it's not worth it to push her for more, so instead they all get up to change and get ready for their day.

Jessica looks out the window, dang it's still raining, she thinks.

"You better get used to it cuz it's not going away anytime soon," Emma says grimly.

"What?" Jessica says, confused and frazzled. I didn't say that out loud, did I? She thinks.

"Nope," Emma answers confidently.

"So you can read people's minds?" Jessica says, impressed.

"Yeah, pretty much," Emma replies without hesitation, "And you're gonna tell me what you can do."

Jessica gives her a look of defeat, knowing she can't get out of this. She answers, "I can teleport within a 15 mile radius."

Emma looks impressed, but only says, "Cool."

She left the room and calls behind her, "You're gonna have to use that power of yours if we're going to get to breakfast on time."

That's when Jessica realized the other two girls had left. She nods in response to Emma, and thinks about where she wants to go.

She lands in front of the door, where Emma is waiting. Jessica looks at her, confused.

"How did you get her so fast?" She asks.

Emma raised an eyebrow and responds, "I walked, it's right across the hall."

"Oh," Jessica says quietly, embarrassed. They walk into the dining room together.


They all lay down on Alice's bed, squished together. Alice sighed.

"I never thought I would have to say this, but I'm actually bored," Alice says, sighing again.

"Says the shapeshifter," yawns Emma.

"Let's play a game!" Olivia suggests enthusiastically. She sits up on the bed, knocking Alice and Jessica off.

"Hey!" Alice squeals, but she has a smile on her face. Jessica makes a sour face.

"Sorry!" Olivia says loudly.

Emma rolls her eyes and smiles, "What do you wanna do miss overly excited?" She teases.

"Let's play hide and seek!" Olivia says enthusiastically.

"I teleport, dummy how do ya think that's gonna go?" Jessica says teasingly.

Olivia crosses her arms and frowns, making a pouty face, everyone laughs.

"I'm actually feeling kind of sick, guys," Jessica says hurriedly, and runs out of the room.

She heard Emma say, "That was weird..."

Jessica locked herself in the bathroom as her eyes changed purple. A strange sensation to hurt someone washed over her. Luckily, when she was this angry, she wasn't able to think straight, and therefore couldn't get herself out of the bathroom.

Terrible thoughts filled her head, and she banged her head against the door. She was shaking, and then she stopped fighting the temptation.

She stopped shaking, and her eyes were completely purple.


Authors note:


I'm sorry, this chapter is like, 200 words shorter than normal, but I PROMISE I'll make it longer for you next time!

The suspense is real!

Why do you think Emma stayed up talking at the beginning? Why do you think she was a little confused?

Jessica HAS NO BACKSTORY! We don't know where she came from! *insert evil laugh here*

AS ALWAYS leave a comment and votes are always appreciated!

THANK YOU SOOOOOO MUCH FOR 50 reads!!!! (That is what it was the last time I checked)

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