Chapter 7: Olivia

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"How long is this gonna take?" Jessica mumbled to herself, annoyed that Emma was taking so long to send the message.

Olivia looked around for the eagle, waiting patiently. She suddenly saw the eagle, flying at her with wings outstretched.

"Finally," Jessica mumbled, making her annoyed feelings clear.

Olivia rolled her eyes and listened to the bird tell her the plan. She told Alice where to go to follow the criminals, and she left to find them.

Olivia and Jessica set off to block their exits. Jessica nimbly climbs down the tree as Olivia calls for many little birds and street dogs.

Olivia positions the little birds in the hallways, just in case the robbers escape before expected, and the dogs at the entrances and exits.

When she was doing this, she saw Jessica quickly hide behind a desk in one of the rooms.

When Jessica saw Olivia standing there, confused, a look of panic spread across her face.

Luckily, Olivia understood that the bad guys were near and saw them turning the corner in the hallway.

Olivia ran and dove under the desk with Jessica, but there had been a soft bumping noise when she hit the ground.

Her heart was pounding, but she motioned for the birds to chirp a little, to make the robbers think it had been them.

The robbers dismissed the noise and headed on their way. Jessica and Olivia held their breaths as they passed by the room, and Alice got out of her 'invisible form' to wave at them.

Olivia was impressed that Alice could change her colors to look like the wallpaper. Olivia was so mesmerized that Jessica pulled her out from under the desk with a stern look.

Jessica had a look of realization cross her face as she looked down the hallway.

Olivia looked to, to see that the bank vault was actually right there, and the robbers were trying to open it.

The vault happened to be in the middle of the bank, probably for security purposes, if anyone got in, the police could surround them quickly.

At the very end of the hallway on the opposite side, she could see Emma staring at her with wide eyes, knowing this was it.

Jessica had obviously felt safe enough to teleport, and she teleported to the hallway next to Olivia's.

Alice moved to the hallway across from Jessica's, so that we surrounded the robbers on all sides.

They waited for them to get into the vault to strike. Olivia all held her breath as the robbers typed in the password.

Suddenly, Olivia heard a bleep as the vault swings open. The robbers took a second to celebrate before they stepped in... and closed the door behind them.

Everyone rushed to the doors. Jessica made it there first, then Olivia, Emma, and Alice.

"How are we supposed to get in now?" Jessica yell-whispered.

"Umm... I mean, I know the password. I read minds, remember?" Emma whispered back.

"Oh, right," Jessica says sheepishly.

Emma types in the password to the vault and it swings open, catching the robbers off guard.

Immediately, Jessica jumps on one, and after a second delay they all follow.

The robbers weighed way more and were stronger than Olivia, but she was fighting with Jessica. When they finally held down their robber, Olivia looked over to the other one.

Emma and Alicia were panting and tired, but they were successfully holding the robbers down.

Jessica took some rope from her belt, which Olivia hadn't even seen,to tie up their struggling robber.

To finish it off, Jessica put tape over his mouth. He continued to squirm, but was now under control.

"Hey guys?" Emma breathed, "Could use some help."

Olivia rushed over to help pin him down as Jessica tied him up too.

"Who wants to do the honors?" Jessica asks, holding out the phone.

Olivia said, "I will!"

She dialed 9-1-1, and told them about the robbery.

When her call was finished, she looked over at Jessica who was writing something down on a sticky note.

She looked over to see what it was, and it said, 'courtesy of the super four."

"Isn't that a little cliche?" Emma asked, with Alice nodding in agreement.

"We'll do you have any better ideas?" Jessica asked pointedly.

When no body responded, she smirked and put the sticky note on the vault door, which they had left open.

"Let's get out of here," Alice says tiredly.

Jessica makes them grab her hands and they teleport away, right in front of the robbers surprised eyes.

"Why did you do that?" Olivia questioned her.

"So they have an interesting story to tell," Jessica answered with a smirk.


Authors note:

Oh. My. Gosh. I finally updated! I'm sooooooo so so so sorry for my sudden disappearance, but writers block is so bad! How am I supposed to make a burglary sound interesting and less, I don't know, the same as every burglar everywhere? Ugh. So, on a happier note, ALMOST 100 VIEWS ON MY STORY! I can't thank you guys enough, and I just want to say that I really appreciate you all. Please, please, please, leave a comment, it means so much to me! Vote if you liked the chapter, but, let's be honest, this chapter was unoriginal but I needed to get it out so I can do better things in this book! I'll see ya next time, and while you wait go check out my new book, the high school project, with guest authors! Ily, byeeeeeee!

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