Chapter 6: Emma

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"EVERYBODY SHUT UP," Emma yells to get their attention.

Two mouths stopped moving and four eyes looked her way. They all looked startled.

"It's gonna be ok everybody, we will find Jessica," Emma reassures.

"But it's been-" Olivia started, before being interrupted by Alice.

"We should at least-" Alice whines, before being interrupted by Emma.

Emma didn't even get the chance to speak before Alice and Olivia started up another heated conversation about what they were going to do.

Emma decided that she needed some air and left the room, then the building itself. There were a ton of kids outside, enjoying the sunlight. Emma sat down in the grass, deciding to enjoy it too, by closing her eyes and pretending to be somewhere else.

"You look stressed," said a familiar voice.

Emma opened an eye suspiciously, but when she saw Jessica, Emma jumped up immediately to hug her.

"I thought you were gonna leave us!" Emma said accusingly, jumping away from Jessica.

"Yeah well, I figured you needed me so..." Jessica said boldly.

Emma looked at her, disgusted that she would say something like that after Jessica had left like that.

Jessica saw the look and made amends to her sentence, "What I meant is that we have our first superhero job."


"So we have to stop a burglary that may or may not happen at 6:00 tonight, which you found out from your family or something?" Olivia said, obviously not believing her story.

"Okay, I know it sounds sketchy, but I promise it will be fun, and it's your first superhero job!" Jessica says excitedly, trying to get us to like the idea.

"I'm sorry Jess, but we aren't superheroes..." Alice whispers, motioning for them to quiet down. They were having lunch outside, like always, but ever since Emma's enemy came out here, they couldn't trust their safe spot anymore.

"Yes you are! Please guys, if you don't like it we won't ever do it again," Jessica pleads.

Emma grabs her shoulders and make Jessica look into her eyes. "If they get hurt, I will never forgive you," Emma says sternly.

Jessica nods confidently. "Okay then, it's settled! We are going," Jessica says happily.

They ate the rest of their lunch in complete science, uncomfortable at the prospect of being superheroes.


At five o clock sharp Jessica came into the room where the girls were resting.

"It's time to get ready!" Jessica sings off tune.

Olivia and Alice look at Emma. It said, please get us out of this. Emma had to shake her head because, she had already told Jessica yes.

"So how are we gonna get there," Emma says suspiciously.

"Just leave everything to me," Jessica says evasively.

"Okay, so I want you to put on these," Jessica says, handing everyone a plastic bag.

Olivia immediately opened hers and took out a mask, hers was green and it covered the top half of her face. The second thing in her bag was what looked like a green jumpsuit.

"There's a built in walkie-talkie, and that's pretty much all I could do on such short notice," Jessica apologizes.

Emma gives her a suspicious look, wondering where Jessica got this stuff. Jessica just shakes her head.

They all change into their clothes. Emma's was a red-orange color, and the mask was the same shape as Olivia's. Alice's mask was all black, as was her suit. Jessica was sporting a purple color.

"Okay, let's get this over with," Emma says under her breath to herself.

"Okay so, Emma you hold my left hand, Alice on my right, and Olivia hold onto my shoulders," Jessica instructed.

After they assumed the position, Jessica didn't even bother counting down, she Jesus's teleported away.

Emma felt her body... Deform. Her whole body became pixels then reformed into the spot where Jessica teleported.

Emma looked around at everyone as they landed. Olivia looked sick, and Alice was sitting down, taking deep breaths.

"It's only weird the first time," Jessica reassures.

None of them believe her, but start following her to a large oak tree that is close by a bank.

"We aren't... Climbing that right?" Olivia says shakily.

"It's the only way in, teleporting would give us away to the robbers" Jessica says apologetically.

Alice turns into a bird to fly up to the top. They all waited for her to come back down.

"It's all clear," Alice calls down to them.

Jessica starts climbing, and Emma waits for Olivia.

"You can do it," she assures a scared Olivia.

"I'm not afraid of heights," Olivia snaps, but then immediately feels sorry and explains, "I've just never done this before."

With that she climbs up the tree after Jessica, and Emma follows them.

At the top of the tree, Jessica and Alice are speaking. Alice was now an eagle.

"Yup, they're there all right," she says, using her good vision to spot the robbers.

Olivia looked surprised that Jessica really didn't lie to them. Emma felt the same way.

"So our plan is get Emma close enough to see what exactly their plan is. We will do this by having Olivia maybe calling in some animals to get her there, who will tell Olivia the robber's plans. When Olivia gets the news, I will block off the exits. Alice will be following them around, and once they're trapped we can tie them up and call the police. That's when we get out of here," Jessica explains quickly.

Olivia whistles loudly, which calls in an eagle. Olivia tells the eagle to stay with Emma until Emma nods, and the bird seems to understand.

Emma climbs down the tree and looks around for the robbers on the parking lot. When she sees them, she heads closer, always staying by a tree.

When she's close enough to read their minds, she sees them talking quietly. She tuned in on their thoughts.

Okay so, after we get in from the rooftop we can get into the employee break room, got it? Okay, then we just have to get past the guards and get the key... The mans plan went on and on.

Basically, they were going to stroll in to get money from the vault from the main hallway, after getting the key.

Let's do this, Emma thought, actually kind of excited as she sent the bird back to the tree.


Authors note:

Exciting!!! Let's see how this bank robbery goes.... Well, how being superheroes goes?

OMG 70 READS!! Thanks soooo much guys, I hope you're liking the story!

So... This is probably unlikely but, if any of you know/can read/want to learn/ are curious, go check out my other book, which is in Portuguese!

I'm thinking about starting another book, (in English, don't worry) what do you guys think??

As always, thanks for reading, leave some comments, I appreciate it, and thanks for voting!

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